Episode 2

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Natalie has just been given one of the hardest decisions a rookie, any player for that matter, would have to make in the Challenge. Does she stick with Wes, trade in Wes for me, or decide on another agent that isn't Fessy? I think she is going to stick with Wes because she knows what it is like to play with a target on her back and she knows it is her best move to stay with Wes. She looks at me and I mouth "Stay with Wes." She nods and Wes thanks me because as much as that old man won't admit it, he likes having someone he feels is as smart as he is on his side. That's why we are allies. Natalie gives TJ her decision and TJ tells them to join the others.

Syn: What now Teej? Am I going back to Charlotte?

TJ: Oh no. You, my good sir, are the first rogue agent. What this means is that you cannot compete until one female loses their partner and then they become your partner. It also means you are safe until this happens. Understood?

Syn: Yes.

TJ: Now, go join the others and I will see you all soon.

I see Devin and Big T come up to hug me and I appreciate them coming up to me after all I went through tonight. Jay and Tori start to come up but I block their attempts and storm straight ahead towards the villa. I reach the house first by five minutes, which gives me enough time to get into my gym outfit and head to the sparring room. I look at the mirror and I know I look so damn good.

I am punching the bag for about 45 minutes when someone finally decides to see where I am at

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I am punching the bag for about 45 minutes when someone finally decides to see where I am at. I lift my head to see who it is and I nearly laugh when I realize who decided to grow the balls to see me. As much as I love him, I am more hurt by him than I am by Kam. At least with Kam, we were just friends but this person and I were more like brothers than friends and I am so hurt I punch straight through the punching bag. When I hear my name called, I snap towards them and yell at them.

Syn: What the fuck do you want?

Jay: Woah man. Calm down. What is going on?

Syn: Oh nothing. It is not like I let someone I really cared about down and feel responsible because she is now gone. She was targeted in big part because I chose her as my partner over the emotional little girl in Kam. I do not regret asking Ashley. I regret not beating Fessy in the first challenge so I could have outright picked her. I am also sad because all of my friends besides two voted me in. Devin and Big T stuck by me when my friends didn't.

Jay: How do you...

Syn: HOW DO I WHAT, JAY? How do I know that the two people I considered family turned their fucking backs on me for fucking money? I would have never done that to you or Tori but no! You guys decided my friendship and kindness didn't mean shit. (Punch) You decided to choose someone you don't know that well over someone who sat there with you when Morgan cheated on you. You decided to not choose the one person who would have done anything to see you win. And now?

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