The Spy Who Loved Fessy

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The daily mission starts and I decide in the moment that since Nam just left and Big T is the rogue agent, I am not going to win since I know Kam is safe from being thrown in and it will be a girl's elimination. I look around the room to see who I want to get a Gold Skull and I immediately spot the person I need to ensure gets her Gold Skull: Nany. Nany and I have the biggest example of a hot and cold relationship and that has to do with the fact that we know each other's games better than anyone else. 

I respect the hell out of her and I think she is a huge contender to win this season. Honestly, if she was my partner in the final, I would be happier than anyone left because we work well together when we get along. TJ instructs us to hold this medicine ball until he tells us to stop and I notice who is playing to win and who feels safe in this competition. Kaycee and Leroy, Nany and Kyle, and Gabby and Cory are the three teams that everyone knows are going to fight for it. I want to fight for it, but I can sense that Kam is not wanting to win, which is fine.

However, what I do not like is that I can easily tell that Kam is not even trying since I am holding probably 95% of the weight of the ball in my hands. Nany is in the same spot as me and I feel bad for her because I can tell how badly she wants this skull but her partner, Kyle, is making this harder for her than he should. He is in no danger of going home and does not even like Nany as a partner. Aneesa is in the carrying the challenge train because Fessy is barely holding the ball. After two hours, we are finally able to drop the ball and begin eating the Fear Factor food.

I personally don't mind the food since I have eaten stuff like this both in the War of the Worlds 2 final and both Australian Survivor seasons. I can tell some people are struggling, including Nany, Amber B, Cory, Kam, and Fessy. Cory is not so much struggling as he is throwing up so much and so violently while I see Leroy swallowing the vomit. Fessy orders Aneesa, who has already eaten the food, to try something. Fessy is so bad at acting that I am surprised he has made it this far in the game. Fessy clearly wants to get rid of Aneesa, but Aneesa is either oblivious or ignoring it.

Kam is playing with her food and while I have already finished mine, she is having a hard time finishing hers. I try to encourage her to keep going, but I can tell that she does not care to listen to me at this moment. I can tell that TJ is bothered by Kam's performance, but I am not going to say anything so she does not get mad. I look to see that Cory and Gabby and Kaycee and Leroy are killing the challenge while everyone else has either given up or had their partner given up. The dream team, Kaycee and Leroy, finish first and move on to the next stage of the game, which is to solve an equation.

They ask Kam and I to help them solve it and since I am trying to show my loyalty to them and I know Kam and I are safe, we both decided to work together to finish the puzzle. After figuring out their answer, Kam and I tell them at the same time that their code is 1310, which ends up being correct. They find a hammer and have to find a key to unlock themselves. They find the key in very little time and begin stage 5 of the mission, which is to find the message in the blackboard. Kaycee and Leroy struggle with this for a while, giving Cory and Gabby a chance to correctly solve their puzzle and begin searching for their key.

I notice that there is something in the suitcase and tell Kam to let Leroy know to check their suitcase. In the suitcase, there is a scrubber that helps the pair scrape off the black faster and figure out that they have to dig up tools that will help them escape in step 6. Gabby and Cory do their best to catch up, but Leroy and Kaycee find the tools and free themselves, giving them their third win as a duo. I won't lie and say that I am not scared of the duo because I am definitely scared of them. 

What separates them from any other pair is that they know they are working with different alliances and can still dominate the game without getting in the way of each other. They do not fight and they do not even talk that much game in the house to each other, but they come together on game day and dominate challenges. I knew they were going to be a strong team but they are stronger than anyone could have imagined. TJ tells everyone that he is impressed by Cory and Gabby for fighting until the end and he says the same to me, which makes me regret choosing Kam over Big T even more.

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