Episode 0

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*A/N* Surprise everyone! This is a sneak peak into my new book The Challenge: Double Agents. Now, spoiler alert, this sneak peak gives the results of my other book Big Brother 22: All Stars 2. I apologize for that, but it has to be done since I am not wanting to wait to start what I know will be a great book. I hope you enjoy this new book and until next time, stay safe and have fun! - BryceStryker *A/N*

I cannot believe that I am here after all of the things that have happened recently. First off, I just won Big Brother All Stars. I was so surprised when I won and I was so happy to share it with Da'Vonne who won AFP, rightfully so too.  Second, I won an Emmy and have received a Golden Globe for my role as Elijah Allen on Titans. I am the first person to win a major award at a major award show for acting in a superhero television show. I also became big on Tik Tok and have the second most followers at 85.2M. Now, I am here to show everyone I've still got it and to have fun this time.

When Melissa told me the theme of the season is Double Agents, I was stoked. This season is tailor made for me because the way I play this game is that of a double agent. Now I do not have to worry about being called a snake on social media or by my housemates because we are just following the them. I am not going to be the nicest person this season and I am okay with being seen as a villain. They are the more interesting characters anyways and it is so much fun being a little bit evil. Plus, I have a crown to protect!

I pull up to a villa and the driver tells me this is my location. I look at this place and marvel at the beauty of the building. I finally get a nice place to live in the Challenge! Thank God there is not a bunker! I walk into the villa and notice there are a lot of people here. I see nobody has noticed me yet and I decide to make a big entrance. 

Syn: Well, well, well. You really thought you could have a Challenge season without the reigning king?

Ashley: It is nice to have talent in here.

Syn: Well I'll be damned. Millionaire Mitchell is in the building! How you doin girl?

Ashley: Great now that you're here. Plus, no more bunker!

Syn: Preach!

Ashley: Wait, is that a...

Syn: Yes it is. Your bitch is getting married.

Jay: So, he finally grew the balls and asked you, huh bud?

Syn: Jay Money! So glad to see you!

Jay: How did you do on Big Brother US? We were quarantined before we could find out the winner?

Syn: Between the three of us, I won.

Jay: Shut up!

Ashley: Bitch, that is fucking amazing!

Syn: I know. Speaking of Big Brother, I have to go welcome the new blood into the game, but we are definitely talking later, ok?

Both: Definitely.

Syn: Alright. See you both later. It's great to see you both!

I leave and head over to Amber B. She is a fierce strong female that was wrongfully evicted on Cody's season of Big Brother and I figured what better way to rub it in to the Calafiore brothers that I fucked Cody over than by bringing on someone they turned their back on? Amber, Olivia, and Natalie were the three rookies I encouraged producers to bring on because they are good television and fierce competition. I tap Amber on the shoulder and she turns around. Her eyes widen with joy and she hugs me tightly.

Amber B: Syn! I am so happy you're here!

Syn: Same here girl. How do you like everything so far?

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