Episode 1: License to Killer Kam

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*A/N* I know I don't have to justify how I write my characters, but I am. A lot of the dialogue I showcase between characters might not appear on the show, as most of the moments do not. I try to include moments from the episode, but if I only did that, the person I am filling Syn in for would have no dialogue most of the time. I try to spice that up the in between moments where my character would be involved in. I appreciate you guys wanting me to portray everyone the way they are seen on the show, but any fan of reality tv knows that we have no idea how these people really act when the cameras are not on. 

I hope you take that into consideration before commenting about how a character would not say or do something. They might not in real life, but this is the story I am sticking with. If it bothers you, then I don't know what else to tell you. I appreciate all the support during my books, but I always have and will continue to write this for myself and for LGBTQ people like me who don't see strong representation on these shows that are not your typical stereotypes. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book because I am so excited to write it. Thank you so much for your feedback so far and until next time, be kind to one another and be yourself always. *A/N*

After the great night last night, I feel so confident going into the first challenge today. This is the first time in a long time I feel good in this game and I don't know whether I should or not, but fuck it. In the cars taking us to the challenge, everyone is a mix of pumped, nervous, and excited for this to start. I want to compete and show everyone here why I deserve the title of King of Reality Television Competition Shows. I mean, I have won more money than any other person in history and I plan on winning more money this season.

TJ comes out of a fucking helicopter and introduces the theme of the season. He tells us that the season's prize is $500,000 for one man and one woman. TJ introduces himself to the rookies and  I am just excited to get this game on the road and as if he was reading my mind, TJ starts to explains the rules of the challenge. There is a capsule on top of a gravel mountain with colors on it and we have to memorize the colours on the capsule and replicate it to win today's challenge. The girl's heat starts and Lolo proves why she was an Olympic sprinter because damn is she fast as shit!

Lolo is the first back to the box to try and match the wires and I see everyone is adapting to the same strategy: memorize a few colors at a time, place them in their bomb, and memorize more colors. I can tell that Ashley is doing well at this because the girl is amazing at puzzles and I know she is going to be a threat this season. Nicole starts to help Lolo and it bothers me because it is showing Nicole's cards, but if Nicole is going to play that way, then I will do that too. Aneesa comes out of nowhere and wins the challenge, which I am so proud of her for doing so. Now I get ready for my turn.

The horn sound and every guy runs to the mountain for the bomb, well except for me. I see a shoe and grab it, throwing it backwards. I hear a grunt and look to see Wes on the ground and I try not to laugh. As everyone goes back with their attempts, I grab the capsule and memorize all the colours by turning them into a song. I run back to the bomb and start plugging in the wires like it is nothing. Devin calls for check first and I am mad because I want to be right first. Devin is wrong and so is Darrell. This gives me a chance to win still. I keep singing the song in my head and put in my final wire. Before I get a chance to check, Fessy calls it first and gets it right. I ask TJ if I had it right as well and I did. Damn, 5 seconds away!

TJ announces that we are playing in pairs this season, which I had expected, and that Aneesa beat Fessy by over a minute in the puzzle. Go Aneesa! I know how much this win will boost her confidence and make her feel like she belongs here. TJ calls Aneesa up and allows her to choose any guys she wants and I have a feeling I know who she is going to pick. She announces that her partner is Fessy and it does not surprise me at all. TJ tells us to choose a partner and right away, my eye goes to Ashley. Kam comes up to me and asks me if I want to partner with her and honestly, I don't want to. I love Kam, but I don't want to work with Leroy.

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