From Theresa With Love

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We get back from Tori's elimination and I am thrilled to have my friend out of this house so she cannot blow up my game. Before she left the game, I told her how I was playing the game and that I had a huge role in her elimination. Luckily, TJ told her to leave so she could not tell everyone my big secret in this game. The first thing I notice when we are back into the villa is how little people care that Tori is gone. Theresa and Nany comfort Aneesa right away and I try not to laugh because they knew about the plan to throw in Tori.

Devin is thrilled because Devin is now a rogue agent and can be free to do whatever he wants to, which benefits me. I know Nany is not thrilled that Theresa is playing both sides and I would be the same way if I wasn't doing the same thing myself. We all go to bed and the next day, I walk into the kitchen to see Theresa and Lolo arguing about how Theresa is playing the game and it is making me a little bit uncomfortable. I go by Ashley and she asks me what is wrong. I just point to the kitchen and she hears the same conversation as I do.

I decide to go into the kitchen with Lio, Nany, and Kyle when all of a sudden, Lio talks about his experience in the foster home and how this whole experience is triggering to him. I feel for him because I am not going to lie and say I know what he is going through because I don't, but I know how hard this whole thing can be when dealing with demons from your past. I hope he takes care of his mental health and does what he feels is best for him because it is important to put your mental health first.

I go to check up on Lio and see him with Gabby, telling her that he has decided to leave the game, which I respect and wish him nothing but the best. I know Gabby really liked working with Lio because he was a great partner and I will say this, I was wrong about Lio. During my time here and getting him to know each other through Gabby, I have grown to love Lio like a brother and am going to miss him like crazy. Lio notices me at the door and hugs me, telling me how sorry he is and to protect Gabby for him. I reassure him I will and tell him to focus on his health.

As he leaves, I hug Gabby and let her cry on my shoulder because I know she needs it now more than ever and I know she will do the same for me. Later on in the day, we head to the daily mission and find out that Devin and Gabby are now a pair since Lio left. We start the challenge right away and the goal of the challenge is to carry a log 5 miles and complete obstacles along the way. I love Big T, but I know we are not winning this mission and in all honesty, that is okay for our games.

We are sitting pretty in the shadows and no one has caught onto our games yet which is fun to see. We start the challenge and immediately, I see Jay and Theresa, Kyle and Kam, Cory and Ashley, and Amber B and Darrell get off to a great start. I feel confident that those teams won't put us in so I decide to motivate T to just try her best, which seems to be working. We are in the back of the pack with Lolo and Nam and Aneesa and Fessy and I know this is killing Lolo and Fessy right now.

I'm thinking we are going to be last at the puzzle portion when all of a sudden, I see most of the teams still at the puzzle. We decide to play it smart and not solve the puzzle, even though I already know how to solve this. We keep going through the course when I hear Lolo start yelling at Nam for not listening to her and I feel this anger coming out inside of me when I hear this because it reminds me of Turbo, Dee, and Ninja. I will give Lolo a piece of my mind when I get back to the villa. I will not let someone I care about who has a language barrier go through that shit again.

We cross the finish line in 10th and I am proud of how we did because we did not finish last for this challenge. When we line up, I find out that Jay and Theresa won the mission and are the double agents. They also won $6,000 each and a gift from P3 and I know everyone is so mad that they did not get that money. We head back to the house and I go to Jay to celebrate with him and Theresa when he dismisses me immediately. I get a really bad vibe from that and I decide to hit the gym. While I am in the gym, Lolo decides to join me and asks me how I felt about my partner's performance.

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