The Reunion Part 1

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These past five months have been insane since winning the final of the Challenge: Double Agents. My first ever album debuted at #1 and is still #1 everywhere, filming with Nany and Amber has been amazing, and I have one more surprise only Amber and Nany know about. I am currently close to passing my bestie, Addison Rae, on TikTok and became the social media manager of Tayler Holder and Noah Beck. My life has been crazy these past five months but I would not trade it for the world. What else has happened in terms of the Challenge world for me?

Well, Natalie, Hunter, Da'Vonne, Big T, Kyle, Devin, and Ashley found out about my contributions to helping their lives and it was not received well at first, but they came around to accepting why I did what I did. As for Kyle and Devin, we have gotten so much closer in the off-season and both of them have visited us in Atlanta. Christian was thrilled to meet these two because he loved watching them on television and now he is almost closer with them than I am. As for Jay, we went almost two months after without talking until he flew out to Atlanta to talk it out. I remember Tom and Benedict nearly chewing Jay out for what he did to me. We both admitted what we did was wrong and have moved on from it.

Going into this reunion, I am excited to see everyone but Fessy and Josh because we got into some Twitter shit. On my end, I do not like what I watched on tv and heard from them and decided to show everyone what they did to me. Big T and I worked on our friendship and I am happy we mended our friendship. I see Mel and Vernon and greet them and they are so happy to see me. Mel keeps going on about how great I look and Vernon tells me how much he loved watching me compete this season. We also discuss the NFL draft and our thoughts on how this season is going to go.

We all sit down and I brace myself for what I feel like is going to be a very messy reunion episode. I am sitting down by Nany and have Aneesa behind me and I am excited to get this started. Vernon starts the questioning by asking Aneesa why she chose Fessy and Fessy said why he was upset Aneesa chose him. I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse of an answer and Aneesa claps back at Fessy's answer as well. Kam states why she was upset that I did not choose her in the first episode. I explain why I chose Ashley over Kam and how much having Big T as my partner changed my life.

Vernon moves on to talking about the final and shows every win in the final Amber and I had as well as Fessy giving up on Kaycee. The moment it shows Amber and I winning the final, I start to tear up because I remember how amazing that moment felt. Vernon asks me how much winning this final meant to me and why I am crying. I answer as honest as I possibly can.

Syn: This win showed me that I have still got it. For me, this was the most intense final ever been on.

Leroy: You look so good right now.

Nany: Do a spin!

I stand up and spin and pose, making everyone in the cast laugh. Vernon compliments my body and asks what motivated me this season.

Syn: I was not in the best place in my life before coming on this season.

Vernon: What do you mean?

Syn: This was supposed to be my last season competing?

All: What?!?!

Jay: You never said anything to anyone.

Ashley: You love this show so much! Why would you stop?

Syn: I have had people in the franchise, including some on our season, tell me that I do not deserve to be on the show anymore because I am "too good" for the show. That is why it hurt me so bad when Kam turned the house against me. Truthfully Kam, as amazing of a partner as you were with Kyle, Josh, and Cory, I actually did not want to win this season.

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