Episode 3: Enemy of the State

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We just got back from Joseph's elimination and the multiple team switch ups and I could honestly not be any happier with the results. Joseph is finally out of the game and Big T is finally free from her awful partnership with the guy. He seemed nice and quiet but he was not ready for this show and I hope to God he is never asked on again. I am stoked Kyle won and even happier that he decided to screw over Josh and Kam and help out Nany in the process as well. Plus, now I get to work with Big T who I have been wanting to work with more since last season. 

The mood of the house is very tense but Kyle, Nany, Big T, and I are just thrilled to see some shit happen in opposition to Kam and Leroy. Nany is trying to work with Kam and Leroy still but I can tell she does not fully trust them after War of the Worlds 2. I look over to Jay and see that he is unusually quiet and I think I might be the reason why he feels that way. His two friends, Nat and I, are not talking to him. I want to talk to him about what happened, but I feel uncomfortable about the whole situation and Natalie chose me over him in the argument. 

Kyle comes into the room with our bedroom group and is fuming about being backstabbed by Kyle. I decide to go check in with my new partner as she comes up with the nickname Hawk for her and Bunny for me. After this conversation, even though I do not like the nickname, I like the fact that we have codenames. I hear more yelling and this time, it is between three people I am working with and this could not be worse for me right now. On top of that, queen Kam decides it is the perfect time to intervene. I have to play nice for now and not react, but I want to chew her out so bad.

I wake up the next day and it is raining outside so I am fully expecting a challenge today. I finally get to compete in a daily challenge today and I hope it is a good one because I am ready to get my hands dirty. TJ is my saviour because he announces that today's challenge is a physical challenge. It is called Road Kill and it is our goal to knock the other team off the truck and we are not wearing harnesses. This is the shit I am talking about. Up first is Devin and Nicole vs Kyle and Kam and I am worried for Devin and Nicole.

The round starts and they both seem like they are actually evenly matched. Both duos are doing very well and then I hear a pop and know that someone is in deep danger. I look at Kyle and Devin and they seem fine and then I look at Kam and Nicole and I spot it: Nicole's arm is dislocated. I bring this up to Big T and she acts like I am lying until both teams time out and we hear Kam screaming for a medic. She asks me how I knew that and I just tell her that I had witnessed it a lot with my brothers playing rugby and football. I might not like Nicole, but I hope she is okay. That would suck if that is how I went out.

Up next are Josh and Nany versus Wes and Natalie and I know Wes is outmatched, but I have no doubt he will find a way to squeeze out a win here. Natalie and Nany are going at it as are Wes and Josh, but I see Josh pushing Wes closer to the edge. However, I notice that as Wes grabs Josh to drag him in, I see Wes keep his foot on the platform longer since the rule was whoever could keep their FEET on the platform the longest wins. Smart move, Wes. Smart move. Nany and Natalie are still going at it and I am surprised by the fact that Nany is actually putting up a fight and could win.

Natalie and Nany end up falling off together with Natalie's feet hanging on longer. Josh and Nany think they won their round but when they watch the tapes back, they will see that it was actually Natalie and Wes who won. The next pairing is Amber B and Darrell vs Gabby and Lio. Bless their hearts, but there is no way in hell that Gabby and Lio are winning this round. Look, I love Gabby so much, but Lio against Darrell is such a mismatch that I am watching to see how long it will take Darrell to put Lio flat on his ass. 

The round starts and I am having a hard time rooting for anyone because I love everyone up there but Lio. Gabby beats Amber barely but Darrell and Lio time out. The next matchup is super quick as Nam and Lolo make quick work of Theresa and Jay. I know Nam feels bad for doing it because he really likes Jay, but Nam has to remember that this is a game for a share of $1 million. Next up are Liv and Meechie versus Cory and Tori and it ends quickly, but Liv is not looking alright. Please don't tell me there is another injury on this challenge!

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