Lady Vengeance

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We get back from one of the worst elimination performances in Challenge history with Josh winning and I would not be so happy if I was Josh because Josh is now the easiest person to target on the guys side. Josh is so excited for winning and he does not realize every guy wants him gone now. I'm in a room with Josh, Kam, Aneesa, and Leroy and the vibe is really weird on my end because Leroy and I know this is bad for Josh but he does not even realize it yet. I mean he beat Mechie who was the easiest guy to beat in the house.

Devin and I are talking about the elimination and how Amber M is the new rogue agent when the devil herself walks into the room and asks to join us. She brings up how sad she is to have been voted in and Devin asks her how she thinks she got voted it. Amber thinks Amber B voted her in which is why she is sad. I am not going to tell her yes or no, but Devin decides to confirm with her that she did by asking her what show does Amber B come from. I get Devin hates Big Brother but I am getting tired of all the comments he keeps saying about the people from there.

I decide to storm out of the room, not caring what Devin thinks because I am hurt by the assumption that everyone from Big Brother is a liar, manipulator, and overall shitty person. I go to the gym and punch the shit out of the punching bag to the point where I break another one and I realize my anger is getting the best of me. As I am wiping the sweat off of my head, I feel someone grab my shoulder and decide not to put them on their back. I turn around and see that it is Devin and he motions me to sit down by the garden.

Devin: Yo Syn. Is everything okay? You seemed upset earlier.

Syn: No, really?

Devin: What is with the bitchy attitude? You're acting like a...

Syn: A what Devin?

Devin: I... I...

Syn: Say it Devin! Grow a pair and tell me the fucking truth! How am I acting, Devin? Like a bitch? Like a girl! Like a brat? Like some spoiled kid from Big Brother? Why don't you just tell me I'm a piece of shit while you're at it?

Devin: Is that why you are upset? You know I don't mean you. I actually like you.

Syn: Is it that hard to like someone who has competed on Big Brother? Not all of us are douchebags. You never give us a chance just because of people like Paulie and Josh. I have never once be dishonest about how I feel towards anyone. I own up to wanting to be the best and lying to get there. I know I can be a dick at times and too sensitive at other times. What I am not and will never be is someone who judges others because of their background or what show they came from.

Devin: I am sorry.

Syn: Sorry for what? Getting called out on your demeaning behavior? Until you understand what it is like to go into any show you are on and always feel like the outsider the second you enter the competition, then you can talk to me about being sorry. I do these shows because I am here to provide for my family and friends just like everyone else here. I also have to keep doing these shows so people can finally see that I am not some gay stereotype that is going to be everyone's best friend that never wins.

I might not be the most masculine man or the easiest person to get along with on here, but it always seems like the guys on here never take me seriously. Nobody really does and the one person who did hates me for playing what you and the rest of the non-Big Brother challengers would call a sneaky and manipulative game. I risked my best friendship outside of this damn game to win money for what? I was so happy when I met you because you were not the person I was told you would be and you actually treated me like another challenger.

Come to find out that you were mugging me off and only cared about me because of my supposed friendship with the Big Brother people. News flash: These Big Brother people on here this season are actually decent human beings off this show. You're right that some of these Big Brother people can be awful, but nothing compares to the people from Big Brother Canada.

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