Change in mood

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Since the incident with Jude that happened 2 weeks ago my life was somehow peacefull,I still didnt leave the house.I started to open up to the rest more and tried my best to be useful to them in any way possible.I got closer to everyone,except Natsu...he suddenly stopped wanting to get close to me.I couldnt belive it at first,but slowly things were clear as a day,he ignored my existenc,and it hurt....a lot.It started with small things,not looking at my eyes,talking with me only If I asked something first,giving me simple answears,not inviting me to eat downstairs with them,and latest thing is that he didnt even look at me when I would enter the room.I tried not to be bothered by it and just ignore it,but it got harder by every passing moment.
And I tried my best avoiding staying alone in room with him,I just know it would be awkward.But it seems I wont be able to do so...
It was friday and Gray rushed in my room and made me wake up.

G-Lucy,me and the guys are going out,you are babysiting the hous with fire prick,see you tomorrow morning.

And as fast as he entered my room he also run out of it.
I was experiencing a mini panick attack,I will be left alone with Natsu,for a whole fucking day.
I couldnt breath,I was feeling happy but reastless,will it be awkward as I think it will be or will it be nice?
I took a qick shower and grabbed the towel,wraping it tightly around me.I looked at my clothes and realised nothing was cute...why am I even thinking of looking cute?Ughhh,I grabbed random red shirt,deciding I want to be comfy for day.I left my room and headed towards kitchen.I need to make breakfest for me and maybe Natsu,will he want to eat something I made considering how he is acting at the moment?As those thoughts invaded my head I just gave up on making breakfest,instead I should just get some fruit.
Does Natsu want fruit?
Stop it Lucy!
I wonder what kind of fruit he would like?
Stop it!
Did he eat already?
Does he knows we are the only ones in the house ?
Stop it Lucy!Stop thinking about him already...
Without realising I already finished washing the fruit and just as I was about to turn around something grabbed me from behind.Strong hands on my waist pressuring me to stay in place,in any other moment I would start panicking, screaming and fighting beck, but not now.I knew this warmth,the touch,and the person I couldnt stop thinking about.

N-You look so fucking edible right now Luce.

Voice that I hadnt heared in a while stil managed to give me butterflies.

He started leaving featherly kisses on my neck and his hands slowly went towards my hips.Every single touch left me trembling and lost in him...but I knew I should be angry at him.
No metter how much I like this or him I just cant forget that easily how he ignored me.

L-Nat-tsu,sto-oop itt..

N-Stop what Luce?


N-What are you talking about?

L-Natsu Dragneel,stop playing with me already,you have no right to touch me!

I yelled and Natsu flinched at my tone.

***Sorry for spelling mistakes.

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