Is it just a mystery?

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Natsu's P.O.V

Shock on her face made my demons be in delight.That fearful look that healed raw feeling of real fear.She did not fear me,but the dangers I could bring to her.She knew the game I will make her play will be deadly.This game where I make her regret when she will become my friend and she sure as h*ll will become that.Finally something fun to do,it has been a while since anybody peeked my interest like she did.Oh Luce you made my boring school life a h*ll of a lot more interesting.I can not wait to make your guards fall down,to make you depend on me,and when I finally get your heart I will rip it apart.You and your cautious eyes that seem to have had seen real dangers in this world but still they have hope.Little Luce you are smart I will give you that but still having hope isn't that a bit naive.You are the person I will get close to and show even more clear picture of world to,then you will be rotten by demons the same demons you are afraid because you see them in my eyes.That innocence of yours I will claim it and let it become tainted by my hands.
At least that is what I would wish to think however,you changed something.

My dear Luce it seems you already mean to me much more then I would like to admit.You are like a brand new toy but even your presence keeps me on my toes I wonder who exactly are you?It feels like I will never be bored by you.

Why you have that look in your beautiful eyes that I can not tear my gaze from?

Why do I want to not crush your heart and the hope you have?

Why I wish for you to never be afraid of me and my demons?

What made you so smart and cautious of this world?

Why are my demons calm when you are near to me just like now.Soo calm that they wish to claim you for eternity.

Why do I feal at peace around you.

Why I wish to be closer,much more closer to you?

What is this wish to never let you go and protect you from the fears you know?

Are all this question just because you are like a puzzle a mistery I wish to know all about.

Or is it something more.

But for now I will make sure we become close,friends that will always stay together.Maybe then I will know are you just a mysterious pray I want to haunt down or are you something more,something I am afraid to admit even to myself.

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