Temptation of love

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Natsu kissed me and I lost all my doubts about him...I got lost in him,in Natsu Dragneel that was promising me things I only dared to dream about.I couldnt reject him or this feelings that I had just from one of his words,touches or a kiss.I surrendered,lost all of my shields and just fell in his embrace.He awoke in me happpines that I had long forgoten and made me yearn for more then I had.This kiss just made me blindly believe in his sweet words and wish for him to save me even more,for him to give me freedom,future and love.He was gentle with me,making me feel like I was a fragile doll he wanted to protect.At that moment he was my Natsu and I was his and only his Lucy.If this was one of my dreams about a knight in shining armour,I never wish to wake up.But once again my wish wasnt fulfilled,knocking was heared and before I could even react,someone entered the room.Natsu was still hugging and kissing me,I pushed him away,and tried to calm myself. He looked disappointed and kept looking at me for few more moments,completely ignoring the person that ruined our moment .But before I could keep thinking of feeling how I already missed his lips on mine, Natsu yelled at Gray, I think that was his name. And lets just say Natsu wasnt that happy.

You son of a bit*h ,wtf you entered the room .Tell me is there any good reason for me not to kick your sorry ass out of this house and beat you up for good.

In an instant gentle caring Natsu turned in a completely different person.Shocked by his sudden outburst Gray took few seconds before reacting.

Wtf is wrong with you flamebrain,just chill.

Natsu wasnt happy...

Elsa I asked you nicely why are you here?!

This part of "nice Natsu" I didnt know.

Jellal told me he found few people you would be very interesed in and to bring you to him as soon as possible.

Natsu's expression turned even darker,room became colder.I was starting to get scared and I let out a whimper.Natsu looked at me and just moved closer to me,I got closer to him as well ,I wanted to be in his embrace again.A little bit more and I will lose my mind again,but before that could happen Natsu shouted at Gray.

Gray get out,NOW!

Gray left the room mumbling about Natsu being bipolar.
Once again it was only us,me and him,I couldnt resist the temptation of his warmth and those eyes.I let myself fall in one more kiss.
Natsu Dragneel you are making me lose myself in this dangerous temptation and I cant even try resisting it.

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