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Few days have passed since I found out that I was expelled.And during that time Natsu was trying to be as supportive as possible.But it was easy to see that he was not familiar in comforting people,but I did appreciate his effort.And I thought that its finally over,that my father ruined me as much as he could.I mean all the things that happened to me in less then one month some people dont experience in their whole life.I guess that is just my luck.
Me and Natsu were sitting and just watching some random movie,I didnt pay attention what was happening in it.But I was paying attention on Natsus breathing and heartbeats,they calmed me and gave me comfort.I spent previous days like a lost person,a lifless doll but its time to get back on my feet.Life must go on.At least I have Natsu and his friends.They do not ask unnecesary questions and dont cross the line.They give me space to think for myself and make my own decisions,for that I am grateful.I also keep noticing how I started depending on Natsu quite a lot.And it seems he doesnt mind,he keeps hugging me and giving me feathery kisses on my lips.He acts like I am a fragile doll,which is nice but also somehow suffocating.Ever since I met him I keep showing him my weak side,but I wish for him to see me as a strong person.He really did meet me in my worst state,its hard to admit,but if I didnt meet him l would have kept being my fathers slave and living a life that is worse then death.I might be suffering now but at least I can live my life,be Lucy and noone else.

L-I think its time...

N-Hm for what?

L-I should go find new school,or a job...

N-You dont have to start the school so soon.I mean we should take time in finding the one that suits you.And maybe time changes things and you can return to the school you love.

L-Natsu...it would be hard for me to return.I mean even if some miracle happens,I'm not sure that I would be able to go back and look at their eyes.That will judge me for things I never did,people that believe my father more then me.

N-Not everyone is like that,you still have your friends.And soon it will be revealed that your father is truly the guilty one.

L-I stopped hopping for that.I do not wish for him to continue to affect my life,let past be past.

N-If that is what you wish for,then that is how its gonna be.

L-Thank you.

N-But why do you need job?

L-I dont wanna be a leech.

N-Huh,what made you think that?

L-Well I have been living in your house  for free,food is also free,you also bought me clothes and all the things I need.And I didnt give you anything for that,except for trouble....

N-You really can be slow sometimes Luce.

L-What did you say?!

N-Luce even if you burned this house right in front of me my first thought would be to check if you burned yourself.It seems you dont understand just how much I want you and need you.All my thoughts are consumed with you.I am willing to do anything you ask of me.So some little things as me paying for you or letting you stay here are nothing.

L-But Natsu...

N-I should correct myself,I am not letting you stay here,this is our house.

L-Natsu its not fair.You give me everything and I cant give you anything.

N-We could change that.

L-What do you have in mind?

N-You can just pay me rent.

L-With what money,you dont let me work...

N-Every day you must smile for me and give me a kiss.

L-Are you crazy?

N-Yeah for you.So we have a deal?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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