Explanation and fear

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Lucy's pov

My shoulder was hurting and all I saw was darkness,but I heared someone screaming that persons words were filed with rage and they were followed by crashing sounds of many objects breaking and all of this was followed by completed silence.Then I heared that person talking with someone and his words were calm now,like things couple of minutes earlier never happened,that fast change of mood was terrifying.One face immediately came to my minde so I tried my best to open my eyes and when I did I realised I was right.Before me stood new boy at my class with eyes full of emotions that I never seen before.I wonder what are you thinking Natsu?He looked at me with eyes filled with mystery and all around him were broken objects that looked expensive and he just stood there in this black and red room surrounded by mess but he still looked at me,assessing my every move and looking at me while hiding his emotions.It scared me I felt powerless,I didn't know why was I here,why he stood before me,why was he angry, where is this place and why my shoulder wound was less painful.
Then he decided to break this deadly silence.

"How do you feel Luce?"

He looked scared of asking me I wonder why?And Luce?


"Well yeah I think that would be nice nickname for you"

"Is there a need for a nickname?"

"Of course we are friends"
Friends?How are we friends is what I wanted to ask but I stoped myself when I looked at his eyes that now showed clear panic,they were filed with fear of ...rejection.I don't know why Natsu who only showed me fake smiles and his cruel nature up untill now felt scared of my respones but I couldn't be angry at him at that moment.

"You are right we are... friends..."
Even though I don't know how.
My words had immediate reaction on him he started smiling and this smile made me feel weird it was actually a smile that somehow blinded me,he looked so happy but really happy not like his fake smiles,I don't know why but I felt pride that I managed to make him smile.This was awkward somehow but then I realised one important thing and that is that I don't know where I am and what is happening.I started fidgeting around and trying to find a way to ask Natsu what is happening but I don't know if he would get angry at me.

He immediately responded.

"What is it Luce?"

"Why am I hear?"
And as if remembering something his smile vanished and I could see his eyes started to burn with rage.

"You fainted when we were arguing so I didn't know what to do, and I took you to my place and called a doctor to examine you."
His explanation was reasonable to some point I am glad he honestly wanted to help me but he could have taken me to school nurse and not to go through all of the trouble while taking me to his home and calling a doctor.That part was rather strange,but I didn't have the time to ask him about it because I was frightened by his next words and menace behind them as well as his sudden mood change.

"Now tell me who the fu*k hurted you,so I can fu*king kill that piece of sh*t!When I finde him he wil pray to God to die fast rather then be tortured by me slowly and painfully untill I decide to show him mercy and kill him by burning him alive!?!"

His words made me tremble in fear ,the menace behind them showed me that he was dead serious and I could see that in this moment he only thought of way to kill person that hurted me.But I felt fear of his vicious behaviour and even more of this feeling in my heart that made me believe that he is not like the rest I know,that he will kill the person responsible for my pain and save me from my torture,I wanted to belive, believe in all of it,but I couldn't because I was to scared of possibility that my dreams of freedom will be crushed by reality at the moment when Natsu betrays me like the rest or he was unable to save me.
I can not belive that dreams will become reality because I will get hurt at the end for sure.

At that time I did not know that Natsu will break me but in a way that no one before was able.
After all the greatest pain can only be caused by broken heart.

Guys I hope you like the new chapter, and sorry for being it late and short but as a sorry I will update new chapter in two days.

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