All for her

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Natsu's pov
I exploded as soon as I remembered how she was hurt and that some piece of ass hurted her.My mind was clouded with rage and it took me some time to see Lucy trembling in fear.Did I scare her?Fuck she should never be scared of me...again why am I thinking like this?But her trembling and eyes that were red like she was so close to crying slapped me out of my thoughts and now I was only focused on how to make her happy and remove everything that coused her pain and fear.I tried to get closer to her .
She stepped away ,like I was someone that wanted to hurt her,and I can't lie her reaction hurted me more then any bullet wound I ever got. Her fearful eyes left scar in my heart and I knew no matter what it takes I will protect her or I will forever feel the pain in feeling now.I stepped towards her and she backed away ,our action was repeated untill she hit her back in the wall and yellped in surprise,and now I was caging her waiting for angel in front of me to look at me and stop running away.
No response ...
"Luce look at me"
She trembled at my voice.I can't have this Luce that's afraid of me I need her to feel safe around me .
"Luce ,it's me Natsu"
"Na-tsu?"she looked at me and it was like she finaly realised that it was me and not someone that hurted her.
She didn't move closer but at least she didnt try to move away.
"Luce,can I move closer?"
She didn't answer, but I had to do something, anything I stepped forward and moved my hands towards her,she started trembling, But this time I didn't stop,I hugged her and pulled her closer.She was still trembling and I didn't know what to do anymore but to say what I was thinking...
"Luce ,you are safe now ,don't worry from now on everything will be fine,I will protect you ...I promise"
At my words Luce started trembling even more and looked at my eyes,like she was searching for something in them,and it looks like she found what she was looking for.She started relaxing in my arms and she started crying and sobbing so loud like she finally let go of her pains and fears.
All I could do was hold her in my arms and kiss her head while saying everything will be fine,she will be fine. As I looked at her my eyes and voice softened even more,even the arms I used for unforgivable crimes
became gentle ,all for her.
Time passed and I managed to move Luce on bed,she was exhousted not just from physicall but also from emotional pain,but she still didn't let go of me not even now when emotional breakdown put her in sleep... her cheeks red from crying and I could still hear her silent sobbs coming from her now bitten but still pink lips, she was bitting them so hard ,just to be able to control her emotions even if it was meaningless in front of all the pain she felt. This beautiful broken girl in front of me now lost her mask of happiness and shown me her true feelings ...the pain she felt for who knows how long.
This feeling of being usless I never felt before,feeling of despair I felt when I thought of how I wasn't there for her made me lose my mind.
All this feelings told me she is too precious for me to ever let go,that is why I will protect her and make anyone that coused her tears or pain dissapeare forever.
My hands that did so many bad and evil wanted nothing more then to always protect her.
My eyes that were always ruthless turned soft so I could look at her eyes and don't couse her any fear.
My words that were full of killing intent ,turned soo gentle to make her calm.
Everything I am ,already changed for her and I'm sure I will keep changing just for possibility to be near her ,able to protect and cherish her.
Oh my sleeping beautiful Luce only if you knew what I'm already ready to
do for you.
I will become better person for her,but i will also sin ,all for her.

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