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Uncomfortable feeling increased when they started laughing even more.
Thankfully with one more glare from Natsu they stoped and sat down.Room turned quiet and the silence made me more aware about constant looking of Natsu's friends.They observed my moves silently until my eyes accidentaly met with Gajeels.

G-anything cought your interest princess?

Before I could say anything Natsu dropped the pancake he was eating and  gave Gajeel a warning.

N-shut it metal brain.

Gajeel scoffed and started eating again,I was thankfull to Natsu but I still felt out of place.At this big table,I had no family.The only one I was close to was Natsu but his friends were his family and I was not part of their group.I want to at least be able to call them my friends If I'm gonna stay here for some time.Breakfest soon ended and I offered alongside Gray to wash dishes while receiving Natsu's disaproval but in the end victory was mine.

G-I will do the washing and you can do the drying.

I nodded my head and try to polish as best as I could plates that were given to me.

G-So whats up with you and flam brain?


G-Yeah him,you guys fucking or what?

My cheeks reddened and all I could do was try to explain.

L-No,what even gave you that idea?

Gray scoffed this time...

G-My eyes

I looked at him confused.

G-Princess he cant stop touching you and trying to please your every wish.He doesnt even give us to talk to you.

L-Thats not possible,we are talking right now

He chuckled and gave me weird smile.

G-Yeah because he is in different room and Im pretty sure If he saw us whispering he would beat me up.

L-No,Natsu is not like that.

I said even before I could realise I was defending Natsu now instead of myself.

G-That was funniest thing I ever heared,its like we are talking about two different persons.

I was even more confused now.

G-Dont fret about it ,you will find out soon enough and its gonna hurt me more then you.

L-What do you mean?

Very soon Gray grabbed me and pulled me in his embrace.I was shocked and even more surprised with what happened next.

G-Look at this now...

As he whispered this words to me an all to familiare first collided with his face.

**Short update that will be continued tomorrow.

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