She will be mine

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I finally kissed her,and even If she asked me to stop I'm not sure If I could.But seeing how she still didnt push me away gave me hope that Luce felt whatever was happening between us.I know it made me crazy,she made me crazy.Desperate to have her all to myself I couldnt stop kissing her and hugging her even more.The way her lips fit mine and how soft they were made me feel like an addict and she was my drug.Even thought it felt strange to care for someone you just met this much I couldnt stop myself,I needed Lucy and I will have her no matters what.She remainds me of an  angel,even thought I was crule to her she wasnt pushing me away now and I was greatfull for that,and let me not start about her beauty...she really is an angel.Girl which smile makes my cold walls crumble,her voice like a most beautiful song that calms my inner demons,those eyes that see who I really am.An angel without doubt,my angel.
The way I feel now is unberable,I needed more but I know I will regret it,I cant be selfish now,she is my priority.
While my inner battles were raging uninvited intrudor ruined our moment,f*cking Gray.Luce pushed me away and now I really wanted to kill him.I started cursing him and telling him to get the f*ck out,but I noticed Luce silently observing me.F*ck I need to calm down or I will scare her.But finally bastered Gray realised how deadly serious I was,and left me and Luce but he told me something that made my blood boil before leaving.Jellal has something to show me,he must have found people that have been hurting my Lucy,this awoke my inner demons...they must pay with their worthless lives.
But firstly I must make this angel mine.Luce looked even more beautiful now.She was blushing probably because Elsa cought us kissing ,her pale pink lips were more red now and a bit swollen and in her eyes I could see the need for more...The way she looked made me feel intoxicated and I couldnt resist,I kissed her again with even more passion then before,f*ck this was too good to be real.
Lucy I swear every kiss and every part of your heart,soul and body shall be mine,even If I have to kill to keep you by my side forever.

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