Never change

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L- You don't know that,something could have happened and you guys would get in trouble.

Gray chuckled and Natsu came next to my ear and whispeared something.

N-Baby, I am trouble.

His voice sent shivers down my spine, my eyes locked with his and I could see it clearly. Dangerous glint of arrogance, belief of self worth and power made me blinded on the spot. Natsu showed me that he has no fear, no weakness, no need to meddle with someone as small as my father. But that alone made me feel scared, my father was a scumbag, he was bellow human being...he remainded me of a dog. A type of dog that will break under preassure and bow down to someone stronger then him. But humans sometimes forget that dogs are also animals, the ones that have big teeth and painful bite. If my father breaks completely there is a big chance that he will do something that goes against his cowardly nature, he will bite someone that opposes him. In this case that would be Natsu, the first person that supported me and made my father feel shunned by community. I pray Natsu stays the way he is now, the ruler of his own world, someone who shows no mistake and knows to fight for himself and those close to him even  against destiny. I hope he never meets my end. I know very well how it is, to have everything and in a blink of eye everything gets taken away from you. Little Lucy had more then she ever wanted , so when cruel destiny hit her and took everything from her she fell lower then she could ever imagin. I can try to change my fate, but one thing is certain, me of past is never coming back, I will never again be an innocent child with mother's and father's love. Those days are long gone and with them my old self. I might be selfish but I wish he never changes. If possible I want him to stay the way he is, because in my eyes he is perfect, a man who is completely opposite of me, someone I am not brave enough to be.
Without knowing I started crying and Natsu went into panic mode.

N-Luce what's wrong?Did something happen? Are you hurt anywhere?

Gray looked at me like I am a crazy person, and I couldn't completely disagree with that. I am crazy, crazy to fall in love in one week and start crying when I'm finally happy after so many years.


My trembling voice made him look me in the eyes.


L-Can you promise me something?


L-You must agree, promise?

I was acting like a child,making him promise me something without telling him what it is.But I needed him to say yes.

N-I will, but you must stop crying first, ok?

I wiped away my tears and nodded.

L-Please never change, no matter what.

He smirked.

N-If that is what you wish for I will happily comply.

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