Me and her

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Before I could once again relive the worst moment of my life,I was awoken from my nightmer embraced with warm hands of person that was hugging me, and at that moment I felt like I was at peace.Like things that I dreamt about never happened,but I know they did,all of it,all of them died that night and its all my fault.
I'm guilty for still being alive and that she isn't .
In this moment I lost that feeling of eternal guilt and just let everything I felt disappear in this warmth.
When I finally stopped crying tears I didnt even feel falling I opened my eyes  and first thing I saw was Natsu.
The new guy that saw all my feelings in just one day. Years of hiding myself and things I felt were put in the light of day by one guy.And I didn't hate it...I didn't hate him,he was different and he was trying to help me. I just hope that his intentions were good as his words,and that I will not regret trusting him.
For the first time I really smiled at him and just said
Thank you Natsu,thank you...
And before I could say anything else he hugged me even more and whispeared to me few sentances that made me happy,that made me smile like I used to do whenever I spent time with her.
Everything will be fine Luce.
I will protect you.
I will make you happy again.
I promise you,all your suffering will disappear.
I melted in his arms and looked at his eyes.
They looked dark but with flames dancing in them.They were deadly but I wasnt scared,I felt safe after such a long time.And the way he looked at me just made me feel  mesmerised by him.
Those piercing eyes that looked softly at me and those lips that said such sweet that moment I was smitten with him.

Natsu's POV
The moment Luce opened her eyes world around me stopped,all I could think about was her.Her body in my arms ,her soft hair,her pale face and those eyes...they were the most beautiful thing in this world.Filled with innocence and storm of unknown feelings ,they made me entraced but also made me tremble in fear of losing them,losing her.
All that is important is her,at this moment nothing  matters more then me  and her,more then us ...
When she said my name I felt shivers down my spine.And the way she looked at me made me let go of all restraints I had.
I got even closer to her,just a bit more and our lips would be touching ,but I had to look at her eyes once more to make sure she is not scared of me,that she doesnt dislike this...dislike me.
All that was keeping me from doing what I desire the most crumbled and I smashed my lips to hers,the moment I felt her soft lips on mine sparks started flying and whole world dissapeared and all that was important were me and her.

Next part will be in 5-7 days.🤗

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