Time to talk

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As Natsu's fist colided with Gray's face I was paralysed in place by this unexpected development.Gray was now on the floor and one of Natsu's legs was pressed on his chest making him stay put.Natsu held enraged expression and his eyes were enough warning Gray needed to not push too far.As I took in all that was happening ,Natsu was already dragging me towards his room.I turned around and tried to look if Gray was ok,but that bastard was smirking.
Natsu shut the door behind us and before I could even start explaining what just happened the angry guy in front of me kissed me like there was no tomorrow. It was not like before,there was nothing gentle in this kiss,all that existed was raw passion.His lips were no longer soft but rough.But non the less he still managed to create butterflies in my stomach and make my heartbeat go crazy.When kiss ended nothing changed.Intense atmosphere was still present and his anger and I think jealousy were evident.He sat on his bed and positioned me in his lap.I tried to get away which resulted in a grunt from Natsu.

N-Keep doing that and I will lose this little bit of control I have around you.

He said those words while living  traces of his lips on my neck.I started to shiver from his feathery kisses while trying my best not to lose myself in his warm embrace.He started talking but I didn't hear a thing,his words were lost because the only thing I could pay attention to was his kisses,soothing voice and few chuckles he made from time to time.All I could do was nod my head to whatever he said.I thought he didn't mind it untill he suddenly turned me over,now I was facing him.Realisation of such closeness   made me instictivly blush.Seeing my reflection in Natsu's eyes made me succumb to him once again and return the kiss that was now much gentler.

Natsu chuckled and embarassed me even more now.

N-Luce did you listen to me at all?

I avoided making eye contact trying to save a bit of dignity I had left.But he just couldnt have it,he had to start laughing.From embarrassment I buried my head on his chest.


N-No need to apologise,but we need to talk now.

I nodded and looked him at the eye.

N-What did Elsa tell you?


N-Yeah,the stripping ice princess.

I chuckled at that comparison.

L-He just asked me few questions...

N-And they were what exactly?

Just remembering Gray's question made me uncomfortable.

N-Luce what did he tell you?

L-It's nothing important.

N-Let me decide If its importan or not.

Natsu looked worried and angry. I couldnt lie to him.I got closer to his ear and whispered .

L-He asked me If we were sleeping together and I said no.

Natsu needed few seconds to process what I said,his gentle smile turned in the wicked one.

N-I can see Gray is gonna suffer a lot in the future.


Natsu did not answear.

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