Deadly grin

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Lucy's P. O.V.

Couple of seconds later bell rang and we set down on our seats. Our teacher was nice so she allowed us to sit how we like.So I sit in row next to the window so I could admire a nice view.Everybody knew our seats, they were the same like year before and year before that, so you could say nobody deared to go near them. I mean having a school council president(Erza)as your friend has it's pearks. And on top of that Mira was like schools demon matchmaker some liked her while some might be a bit frightened because of her,I had to addmit I don't know who is scarier at some times is it Erza or Mira.And Juvia was our swim team's greatest star.While Levy tutored a lot of kids and was part of couple of clubs.Compared to them I was nothing special,I was good with my studies and a lot of people tell me I am pretty but I don't believe it how can someone broken as me be pretty.Regarding everything I am and who my friends are I was happy that they let me be part of their group.Let me get back at a seating aragments topic in first desk was Levy,behind her Erza then Juvia behind her was Mira and the last was  me.Unfortunately Wendy was not in our classes, even thought she is super smart, there is this little problem and that is we are older then her by two years.It was sad that we were not together but that is something we can't change.While I was daydreaming I didn't notice that someone entered our class and that was not just our teacher.Behinde our teacher entered five hotties.Whole class started having heart shaped eyes and all were trying their best not to jump bones on those students.Well most girls were like that with expectation of me and my friends.Well Juvia acted like the rest of girls.Erza tried to calm the class down,Levy and Mira were trying to calm Erza which they did good I mean if they didn't half of those girls would be at nurse's office. Then my teacher started talking.

"Everyone calm down.Please you are leaving bad impressions to our new students.Please be quite."

Her pleads were not heared at all.Poor Miss Aries,when Erza saw the tears that were at verge of being spilled she reacted.

"Calm the f*ck down you idiots.Who speaks even one more sound will be at my death list.That means you will be punished by me personally in other words you will have to cleane all classrooms and all changing rooms ,even boy's. "

At her words and death glare everyone went quite.And all the girls were visibly shaking in fear .

"Miss Aries forgive me for my behaviour and harsh words.You can continue."

Miss Aries needed a couple more moments to calm herself down.At that time I was watching those five boys.They seemed amused and all of them were checking out the class.Then Miss Aries interrupted them by clearing her throat.

"So guys would you like to introduce yourselfs."

They nodded,but it was obvious that their amusement was gone and was replaced with pure boredom.

"My name is Jellal."said the blue one with a red tattoo next to his right eye.

"Name is Laxus"said the blond one.

"Gajeel"said the one with lot of piercings.

"Name is Gray"said the blue one.

And the rest of my attention was directed with the last one.Who had pink hair but he somehow pulled it off.His big goofy smile made me think that he was joker of their group.But I changed my mind when I looked at the eyes and posture of other guys,they seemed almost worried,afraid of how he will react.That made me interested who exactly was he.At that moment my eyes met with his bored ones that changed themselves to be full of curiosity and amusement when they locked themselves with mine.His goofy smile was replaced with deadly grin that gave me chills in all the wrong ways.His presence made me cautious. I was almost scared,but the rest of the girls melted themselves at his fals warm eyes that I knew were actually colder then ice.

"My name is Natsu,pleased to meet you"

That name, curious cold eyes and deadly grin... all of it brought feeling of fear but at the same time feeling of safety.

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