Cautious eyes

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Natsu's P.O.V.

Fu*k,I have a killer headache.It's all fault of those morons I call my friends.What idiots mess up a big drug shipment.I mean how stupid can you be to accidentally take a wrong bag, it's not a rocket science.That stupid Laxus always wants to drink something so like a good friends we are,we joined him.And we were so drunk  by the end of the night,however we had this deal that was easy as hell.But lucky us,moron of a ice princess a.k.a. Gray took the wrong bag.In the bag he was supposed to bring was some nice cash,but he brought a bag with Jellal's snickers.So you may already guessed it didn't end so well.The guys we had to trade that night were from this new gang Sabertooth they were pretty pissed of  so the shooting  starred and me and my friends were not in the best condition at that time a.k.a. we were completely wasted.Our aim was not the best but we did good considering that after the shooting we barely  avoided to not crush my car,and we kinda forgot where our base was.All in all it was good that we shoot at least five members of their gang.That is why my morning is shitty.Then like the most shit*iest thing that could happen Jellal entered my room and reminded me why this fuc*ed up day was gonna be even worst.

"Wake up Natsu,we will be late.The rest of the guys are ready already."

"I am awake already.And what the h*ll   you mean by late, and the boys are ready."

"Don't tell me you forgot you dumb as* today we are going to start attending Fairy Tail because you promised your dad you will go to senior year of high school and after that he will let you lead his gang.But when I think about it why exactly you want to lead his when you have yours already."

That was it I have to go to school.

"Fu*k I forgot .Why the h*ll didn't you wake me up earlier.And to answer to your question my dad's gang is strong as ours and if I become their leader I will join the gangs so we will be the most powerful gang in Fiore."

"That makes sense who would guess you actually have something in that thick skull of yours, just hurry up first class starts in twenty minutes."

"I will ,but don't worry for nothing you know as well as me that school's principal is a good friend of my father.He was at dad's gang before he became principal.I mean how would we get to attend school other way, who in the right mind would let the kids from the gang to go to their school. "

"You are right but that doesn't mean we should make trouble to him.Not at least at the first day."

"Fine,but I don't promise not to kill someone If that person pisses me of.I am a bit cranky from events of last night.So don't blame me If I make trouble to you by making you clean my mess."


"It's nice that we agreed and all but could you pretty please fu*k the h*ll out."

Jellal left my room after that but I heard what he said and I quote"A bit cranky,sure"he said that sarcastically,I will make him pay for that before this day is over.After he left I started thinking.Will it be fun in this school?I hope so.Do we have to pretend to not be in a gang?I hope not.Will it be a lot of cocky kids who would think they are better then us?I hope so I would like to put them in their place.After all I have a bit of a anger issue.Most of my emotions are hidden.I usually show them my anger and nothing else.Well I sometimes slip off from my cold self when I am surrounded by my friends and family. The rest of the world is dead to me and I am a cold bastard they fear.And they should you probably heard everyone has their weakness, they fight with their demons well that's NOT me.I embrace them,they give me strength and maybe they make me I quote "a cold blooded monster"they make me strong and the best at my job which is being a gang leader.
After approximately 5 minutes I was ready so we all went in our cars and we were in front of the Fairy Tail in 5 minutes.We had ten minutes before  the class  so we used that time to check out grounds where were the spaces we could hide from the sight of everyone,where should we be if we were attacked,where are the places that have the weakest security in other words we were ready if somebody would try to attack us were that some people from the other gangs that will probably think it would be easy to attack us here,but If they have at least a bit of brain they would understand  that that is a bad idea.They could hurt or kill other students and they don't need cops onto them more then they are already.I honestly didn't  care about this students and I knew Sabertooth wouldn't either.They are out for blood,we killed their man they will kill us.Hah what a joke If they think they can go up against us.Also this blind spots that are good for hiding from people and cameras were perfect place to talk about gang stuff at school,and from hiding from the s*uts that I noticed have already started flirting with me and the rest of guys.Then we went to principal he told us that we should try to blend in,not to make a lot of trouble and etc.After that we were free to our class,because principal we were allowed to go in the same class his words "I don't want you brats making trouble and it would be easier to have you in one place."
We waited a couple of minutes  after the bell rung so that everyone should be seated and quiet by now.All of us had a brutal headache,alcohol and gun bullets don't mix well,lesson learned. This pink haired teacher  came from the classroom and told us to enter.We were greeted by girls checking us out,boys glaring at us.We started introducing ourselves.Guys introduced first while I was starting to get annoyed why the h*ll are those slu*s winking at me and how those guys glared at us,how they dare to do that.I was starting to get angry.And guys noticed change in my mood even thought to the rest of the class I was the same,smiling completely goofy. Fu*k  I hated that smile and I already despised everyone in this classroom.That was what I thought  until the moment I locked eyes with blond beauty.Her eyes they didn't hate me,they didn't adore me,they didn't looked at me like a piece of meat like those slu*s.She saw through my playful act,she saw how much I hated this how my smile was a predatory grin.That my looks were deadly trap,my eyes cold and I saw how she wore mask as I did.And when I saw through it her eyes were cautious afraid of me and my demons.

Well it seems there is actually someone in this class that was not a complete moron this started getting interesting.

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