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(pictue isn't mine)

We finally arrived at my house and that doctor was lucky he was already in front of a mansion with some bodyguards that fu*king deared to touch Luce.No one will take her away from my arms if they trie it again they are gona regret it for the rest of their short but suffering lifes.

"Mr.Dragne-el  ho-ow can I-I help-p you?"

"Tell me you moron why for the love of god would I need a doctor for...I don't know maybe for fu*king treating someone!"

"Of cou-rse Mr-r.Dragn-eel it was a stupid ques-tion."

"Shut your mouth and come inside to see what is wrong with Lucy!And depending if you could help her you could die or leave this estate alive!!Do you understand you little basterd?!!"

"Yes-s Sir."

After argument with that useless doctor I took Lucy in my bedroom and put her in my king size bed.
Why the fu*k is she still not waking up,this doctor better be able to help her or I don't know what will I do next.

"Mr.Dragn-eel cou-ld you plea-se get out?"

What did he just say?!

"And why the fu*k would I do that?!!"

"So that I  ca-n  chec-k  what is wro-ng with  you-ng  la-dy."

Ne way in hell!

"There is no way I am letting Luce be in room alone with some pervy doctor  while she is defenceless as well.Do you understand that you moron!"

"Ye-s sir, for-rgive m-e sir."

His voice came in a whisper,that's good he knew that he should be scared.
He started checking her pulse and then he started undressing her,wait what did he just do!

"You basterd what the fu*k are you doing?!"

"Fo-rgive me si-r but this-s will help me se-e  if  the-re  is  so-mme injury or some-thing  wron-g  that  cou-ld  hav-ve cau-sed young l-lady to f-faint."

"You can take off her clothes but If I see your hands touching parts that should not be touched you will lose your arm.Do you understand!?"

"Yes-s ."

After my words that shity doctor started taking of her clothes and I was barely able to refrain myself from killing  him.He started of with her jaclet and very soon her white porcelain skin that looked so soft was in my view,she looks just lika a precious doll.My eyes travelled upwards but my view was blocked by that stupid doctor that fu*king stopped moving.What was happening?

"What happened,?!Why did you stop?"

"Mr.Dra-agneel  yo-ou  sho-ould  come her-e  and-d see yours-self."

Doctor sounded like he was panicking,so I came to her bad to see her face covered in tears ,and I panicked why did she start crying again did that basterd hurted her?
And I just wanted to punch him but he pointed his fingers towards Lucy's shoulder and I looked at it and saw sight that made me want to rip someone's head of.Her shoulder was in a big burn mark that started bleeding it looked horrible.I was in rage.Millions of questions appeared in my head.
Who could do this to her?
Who would dare to do this to the perfect angel like her?
How anyone didn't notice about it?
Was this a first time this happened?
Or was someone abusing her?
Was that person tired of living,if he was I will sure help him and kill him?!
And many more questions were there and before I knew it I started punching walls,breaking everything in my sight and roared loud enough so that could be heared in the whole mansion.I already called Jellal and told him to tell every guy at the gang t good at information  gathering to finde anyone suspicious in Lucy's life.
Then I threw the phone on the ground,and calmed myself enough to realise that this is important but Lucy's well being and her health were number one now.This place looked like hell after my rampage so I wanted to move Lucy from this room but before I was able to do so I heared whispering voice.


I turned around and I saw her there lying in bed with questioning look in her eyes,as well as look of fear.There she was my sweet Lucy,looking at me like I was some kind of monster .Scared of me and this unknown situation.


So guys what do you think?If you like this story please vote on it and comment.If I see this story is liked I will continue updating and posting new chapters as soon as possible.

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