He won't leave me alone

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Lucy's P.O.V

Oh why God ?Why couldn't you at least make this prayer come true.Why wont he leave me alone,what did I ever do to him?Why does he keep staring at me it gives me chills.I am trying my best to stay calm,class had ended and I was too scared to even get up from my chaire.He kept on looking at me the whole class and even now when bell already rung he doesn't even budge.Most people would be happy because of little break however for him it seems as there is not a thing more important or fun then looking at me.Thos is awkward but also scary.But mostly scary.Those eyes I feel like I am going to be devoured by them if I am not careful enough.During the class he kept on watching at me and even though I tried my best not to show him I noticed or was even scared of it I couldn't go against my nature and take a few secret glances.However I never thought he would notice,they had lasted but a couple of seconds, however  he did notice every single time and he just smiled even brighter then before.Making the rest of girls swoon and curse me because he was smiling at me but not at them,that same smile shoke their hearts but to me it shook my bones.Why I left myself open to him,I knew he could clearly feel the fright I felt when he was there but that boosted his ego even more,it semed like he was pleased for making me fell this.One more thing it seems I was cursed with that I could fool anyone,even my closest friends into beliving that my act was real but unfortunately it seems he was immune.That was my luck.That were my thoughts before everything started shaking.Wtf.

"Lucy!Lucy are you there?!"


"You finally responded we started to get worried."

That is when I saw all the girls surrounding me,and thank God making a shield with their body so I could not see Natsu.Finally a little peace.

"Sorry what did you said Levy?"

"I said get your butt of that chair and lets go grab something to eat and go take the spot at the roof before somebody else does"

"Oh right,sorry I didn't notice that it's time to eat.Let's go I don't wanna be trapped in cafeteria before we could starve to death"

So even though I was hungry I knew I couldn't eat but I still wanted to go with my friends and this gave me an excuse to get away from Natsu and not make it too obvious.

"So Lucy-san do you want pizza or sendwich?"

"Oh Juvia I am not hungry."

"How come so Lucy everyone is hungry"
Said Mira

"Are you on some kinda diet like you  were  last two months of last year"

"It's not that Levy"

"Yeah Levy,Lucy doesn't need to lose weight she looks so thin but still one of the hottest girls I know"
That comment made me blush.

"Stop it Mira I am not hot"

"Mira is right Lucy you are hot but it is also true you are thin,too thin you should worry about your health, you shouldn't starve yourself so you could look great,because you already do"
Erza looked at me with concern .I did my best to stop the tears before they could spill.My friends did everything for my well being and it hurt me because I had to lie to them.But that was for the best.

"First I don't think  I am that hot and second you don't need to worry about me that much I am not hungry because I had eaten breakfast before the school so there is no need for me to eat."

All of them nodded than we started going to the roof but before we could go someone bumped into me making me bit on my lip because that person that apologised  after,had bumped into my burnt shoulder. That hurt a lot.So I kinda made up that I want to go to the bathroom and it took me 5 minutes to convince them I don't need them to go with me.
I quickly went to bathroom and lifted my jacket to see once burned tissue started to get bloody.I quickly wiped blood with water and remembered that I have some bend to wrap up this wound before it starts bleeding more.I tried to go to my loker without anyone noticing my pain expression and it seems luck was finally on my side the halls were empth.But it seems I spoke too soon.Someones hands grabed my burned shoulder that was now bloody making me vince in pain.But before I could react to strangers hands and pain they coused me ,I was suddenly thrown into an empty classroom while I stud up I heard a door getting locked.And those hands push me into the wall and when I looked up I locked my eyes with those that were the only ones that could see through my act.It was Natsu.So my instincts started kicking in making me immediately start acting.

"Hey what was that about?Why did you push me like this,you are soo mean Natsu."

"Cut the acting Luce.Tell me does your acting fool anyone."

"I don't know what you are talking about."
He then started getting close too close for my liking.And moment before our lips could touch he snickered and suddenly grabed my shoulder tightly putting a lot of pressure on it.

"Stop acting for once and tell me the real truth before I make you regret trying to sell me your cheap acting skills."
He spout out those words making me vince in both pain and aggression I felt in his voice.Then I whispered.

"Th-ey do"

"Ha, what did you say.Cat got your tongue speak louder ."

"They,everybody believes."

"Good.Was that soo hard. But man who would have thought everybody in this school is a moron.Well except  you,you are different ."

"What do you mean morons?And me why do you think I am different from them. "
He just scoffed and tightened his hold on me like I would try to escape.But If we were honest I would do exactly that If I had chance.

"Isn't it obvious.First you are smart enough to see there is more than it meets the eye.Especially about me and my friends.I can see that you are scared and that is the right thing you should feel but pice of advice next time try acting harder and last but not least I should give you credit for being able to manipulate all the people around you or should I say your "friends".It must be hard acting all the time and never being true to yourself."
That was when I exploded.I wanted to slap him but before I could hit him I was stoped by his hand.

"Bad mistake,Luce."

"Stop it  I don't care what you say about me.But never and I mean never say my "friends" are not my real friends because they are.I care for them and they care for me.Every time I lie to them my heart breaks even more.But all I do is for their well being.And if you say I am not true to myself then it means you are like me then.You say you saw through my act but I am not the only one acting,am I?"
The first words I said were shouted but my last words were whispered bearly audiable because they were muffled by my bitter tears and sobs.
And that is when the darknes started consuming minde.

"Hey don't go start crying now.Hey stop will you.Luce?You are a bit pale.Are you alright?Luce?Answer me !Luce?!"

Those words and feeling of  something warm were the last things I heard and felt before I was completely consumed by darkness,that I gladly accepted.

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