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Now more then ever all of it felt unreal.After the moments of passion passed,Natsu did not want to let me go.He huged me and we stayed in this postion for quit some time. He kept my mind ocupyed ,asking me a lot of questions,mostly what I like and dislike.And then I realised I almost knew nothing about him,but that didnt change the fact he was like a angel for me,making me happy and watching over me,even if this lasts only for a while it will still be my dream come true.A person that protects and cherish me more then  anyone else did is someone I thought I would never meet.But I never had luck,so ofcours something bed had to happen,a loud smaking sound was heared from the door as well as shouthing to get someone out of the house. I was confused but one loud shout made me tremble.


I shook in fear from recognition of my father's voice.I got scared and started trembling,which alarmed Natsu.

N-Luce you ok?Who is that?

L-My nightmare...my father

Natsu didnt understand at first but it seems he added my injurys and fear from my dad together and realised the well hidden truth.I guess this is the moment I didnt want ever to happen,for someone to look at me with eyes full of pity.And I couldn't blame him,it was not his fault for my life being messy like this.But once again Natsu proved me wrong,sudden pressure on my arm that Natsu was holding made me flinch and look up.
Natsu was enraged,his beautiful eyes turned to ones blinded by pure rage,he was clenching his teeth and trying not to rush downstairs and punch my father.The way he looked would probably scare anyone but it made me happy,he was angry for me and he wanted to protect me,what could girl wish for more.


When hearing my voice he looked at my tear stained cheeks then his eyes traveled to his hand that was clenching me.He immediately let go of me...

N-Fuck Luce,I'm so sorry,I didnt mean to hurt you.

He took my hand and started kissing the place on it which was a bit red from his touch.And he kept apologising,
probably thinking he made me feel pain and that I was angry at him.

L-You fool.

He was confused but soon forgot about it when I kissed him.He started kissing me back but we were stoped by my fathers voice.


I flinched at his words and I knew I had to face him at one point.Natsu was here but  I was still scared.

N-If you want I can make guys chase him away and make sure he stays away from you,or go down and beat him up so he never even thinks of going near you,or..

I kissed him again so that I can shut him up and it worked.

L-How about we go and meet him together?

N-Yeah,don't worry I will stay with you and protect you.

L-Thank you Natsu.

He showed me a big smile and made my fear ease up a bit.

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