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"I won't tell you anything else you useless trash,now go and make me a coffee you forgot."

"I am s-o-rry I will make it immediately. "

That was so close I was afraid  he would hit me again and I wouldn't have known how to hide them because last time when he hit me, my best friends almost noticed and that means a lot because I spent half an hour putting on a makeup and they almost noticed because I almost never wear make-up.Because of that I had to lie to them and I hate that a lot because they are the persons that love me and they matter to me a lot, we are like a family,a family I never had.I told them that I wore makeup because I liked a guy and I wanted for him to notice me.But that lie got complicated because Levy said I needed nothing like that to notice me because she said  and I quote "you are drop- dead georges" I knew she just wanted to make me confident but I really don't  see what is beautiful about me I mean I don't think I am ugly but I also mean I am not beautiful I think I am normal just old plain Lucy nothing more and nothing less.Oh I lost track about Things I was saying so...oh yes after Levy' s question Juvia  asked me who is it that I like,then Erza went into a  overprotective mode and told me that If he hurt me in any way she will be pleased to get rid of him, it was scary. And Mira she was the worst because she wanted to know who he is, and how old is he ,then what kinde of guy is he because I never fell in love before then she started shiping  me and non-existing boy.Oh well it was hard because I had to pretend that I liked someone for a week then I told them that he actually likes someone else once again a complete lie.And thay said they are sorry and told me to not feel bad because If he didn't see how great I am, he doesn't  deserve me.That is the reason I don't like makeup and telling lies to my friends.I was lost in my thoughts that I forgot about coffe for my father.I quickly put it in his cup and got to give him coffe and then he just took it from my hands and started to drink it.He even forgot to check if coffe was hot.Then he starred sppiting it and told me to give him water,I quickly did what I was told.After a minute he started glaring at me and I just stood in front of him completly frozen.

"What the h*ll you tried to burn me with that coffe you b*tch."

Before I could tell him I was sorry he without a warning spilled half of the remaining coffe from his cup on my arm.I tried to stop myself from crying and yelling from pain it was soo hot.

"That is what you get b*tch.Now cleane  this mess and get out of my sight."
I started clining and after 5 minutes I was done and I had noticed his bag was not heare then I looked throughout the window and saw his car wasn't there as well.He went to his job.I then allowed  myself to cry without a stop,and my crying worsen when I saw my arm it was near the shoulder he made a burn mark  and he knew where to made it,out of everyone's sight.I looked at a clock and straighten myseld and went to my room so I could get ready for school.My school's name was Fairy Tail, it was allways great there,we learned everything we needed but most of the teacher's were nice and they always allowed us to have fun.Our school principle Makarov looked at us like his children,whole school for him was a big family we might have our troubles but we have a happy times.Just thinking about it made me smile and for a moment forget who I was and my past,present and probably futer.I dressed nice(picture above plus a cardigan so her burn mark can't be seen) because it was our first day of school in senior year,just one more year and I will not have a place to hide from him because I will probably not continue my education he wouldn't allow it.Then I exited my house or should I say my prison and started going to school.With one question in mind it was the same one I kept on asking myself for years will someone hear my prayers to God and save me from this hell.

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