The day that brought nightmares

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All was dark around me,I felt numb to everything, no more pain that was buried deep inside me,I was just there surrounded by nothing. I knew this scenery well and suddenly I felt bitter taste of dread.This living nightmare I was traped in was great torture that always broke any hope or wishes I had... Scenary before me was always the same,little girl crying in front of cold body of her mother and her father was looking at her like she was the devil itself.This dream repeated itself ever since the day I lost everything. It was such a sunny day ,perfect morning,mom and dad took me to the park it was supposed to be a family day we always had once a month.It was special every time but this time it was so special that will always be carved in my heart and memory like the day that was the beginning of hell for me and last time I had real family.Day of my mother's death and day that my dad stop being that is my nightmare.All was good for most of the day,we played together,had ice cream together and we were just enjoying....but then in far distance I saw amusement park,I thought that that day couldn't be better so I told mom and dad we should go,mom agreed but dad said he was family day turned to mine and mom's day,she called it girl's fun day.So we separated from dad and went to the amusment park,we had a lot of fun soo much that when mom told me it's time to go home I didn't want to do that.I started complaining and saying that we should go to at least one more ride.Mom gave in and agreed,I used this excuse couple of more times and now even I started to realise it was late.It was night,but no stars that mom and I loved to look at were there.Suddenly I felt creeping chill that started to hount my heart,my mom noticed my mood change and suggested that maybe it's time for us to go home.I quietly agreed and started holding hand of my mom tighter,soo afraid of feeling I felt at that time.
If only I held tighter or if only I perished with her...

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