Kill the mood

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N-Lucy I love you so much,and I'm sure at one point you will hate me,and even more I know this crazy love will hurt you.So I need to put some distance between us,for your good!

Natsu sounds so convinced that he will be the one that hurt me,doesnt he realise how I am hurting him.I got angry at him because he wanted to help me. Aren't I the one that hurts him more then he hurts me?But even if he does hurt me,I am willing for that to happen If it means I will be with him.

L-Then please hurt me Natsu.

As I said the words that were weighing on my heart I kissed him.The sweet kiss was full of our frustration, pain,sadness and love.I hated this feeling but also loved,so afraid of what future might hold for us but also affraid of being without him.Even If he hurts me the most,I will only hate myself for having these feelings,but I will never regret it,never regret being his.

The kiss was a breaking point,it ended our restrains and set us free.We kept hugging until Natsu picked me up and put me on kitchen counter when he slowly started to kiss me,I felt even more just how much I already belong with him.His mouth traveled to my neck leaving behind countless marks of our passion.I'm not sure whos heart was beating more,mine or his?His fingers tracing all of my sensitive spots,leaving me trembling in overwhelming sensation.He lifted my shirt,exposing my chest to his hungry eyes.Like a greedy person he is,seeing that I showed no denial,he kept going.He started pinching and twisting my nipples,which were already eract just from our kiss.Seeing my unrestrained reaction made him grin,he looked too hot at that moment.I started moaning his name when I  realised that something hard was pressing on my opening.We were thinking the same thing, we will actually do it today.

N-Luceee do you want me to tea-ch you something  even better?Ahh

I started touching his which made him moan,I hope this was enough of comfirmation for him.I wanted him,and he wanted me,we were all alone,it would be ....(dorbell rings).

That sound killed the mood.

L-N-atsu,st-opp,sommeone iss in front off th-eee do-or.

I tried to sound serious but I kept on moaning,duo the fact that Natsu started rubbing my clit,while three of his fingers were going in and out of me,at the same time he sucked my nipples.

L-Ah-ahhh-ah Naat-ssu ittt fe-ells goo-d.

N-Fuck your moans are music to my ears,whoever is in front of the door can just fuck off .

Natsu wasnt stopping and in all honesty,I wouldnt want him to.I needed this,he made me addicted to his touch. Burning inside of me was too much to handle,I started moaning his name like it was a prayer to the god,my hands started going faster in hopes that I can give him release just like he is about to give one to me.

And again we heared the doorbell.

*part II will be updated in next 3 days,sorry for bad spelling.

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