Ruined reputation

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I gave Gray a death glare,but he kept on laughing even more...

G-Hahahaha I cant believe it, miss goody two shoes is getting expelled.This world and its systems are really messed up.

Natsu just looked at Gray and smirked. Wtf are they crazy,or am I crazy for not finding this whole situation funny?It feels like my basic right as a human was taken away from me,just because for once in my life I stood up for myself,because I did what I wanted to do...because my "dad" was piece of crap.A single teardrop filled with anguish grazed my cheek.I had no tears left to shed,after all was I ever a stranger to this disappointing reality?

N-Luce...It's ok,everything will be fine in the end.

I just looked at him,I get that I'm new to world he showed me,but I dont get it,who in their right mind would stay positive after being kicked out from school for no reason.

N-You can just change schools,trust me its very easy,or you can sui school for the decusion they made and 'emotional damage' in which they should compensate you or annul their decision and problem solved.

At that remark Makarov glared at him and I just sighted.

L-I wish to know why was I expelled?

M-Its not that you were kicked out but it was determined that your situation would affect negativly on school.

L-What do you mean by that?

M-As you know our school is best private school in country,and our students are best amoung best,regarding both knowledge and money.And your father decided that he no longer wishes to pay your tutition.

L-But I can easily be schoolarship student,I mean I do a lot of club activities,my grades are above rest ...

M-School board knows that and they were against you being kicked out,but your father said something...


Makarov looked at me,then Natsu,then he spoke.

M-He said you became a prostitute and that you are pregnant with gang leaders child....

Gray laughed so hard that he fell to the ground,Natsu was shocked and for a moment my brain just stopped working from disbelif.

L-How tf am I a prostitute?!

N-And she sure af aint pregnant!

Makarov gulped,Gray laughed even more.

L-Wow nice,I'm glad yout priorities are straight.

N-I mean ofc you are not a prostitute,I just wanted it to be cleat that you are not pregnant as well...

L-Ughhh,and why did school board believe that?!

M-Your father acted so well that if I didn't know the truth I would believe him as well...Board thought if this news spread out it would bring great shame to school.I begged them to at least have a conversation with you,but they refused.I tried my best,but I wasnt able to persued them to change opinion.The best I could was to make them promise not to spread those rumors and ruin your chance for getting in other school.

L-So it wasnt enough for him to ruin my whole childhood,he just had to destroy my future.

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