He knew

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Lucy's P.O.V

His gaze lingered on me longer then it should ,it made me feel like a pray and he was my predator.Thanks to the heavens our staring was interrupted by Mrs.Aries,she cleared her throat which made all of our heads turn around to look at her.However I felt his gaze stay on me for a second longer before he lazily looked at her.No one noticed and even if they did,they would think of it as a harmless thing,however I saw it clearly as a day when he looked at her he was annoyed. His playful eyes secretly shot daggers at her,it made me tremble in fear.I really did not know if he directed that daggers at me would I be able to make myself keep standing.They did not saw what I did,his mere presence made my insides tremble he truly was a force to be reckoned with.My thoughts were interrupted by flustered Mrs.Aries .

"So guys lets see.Hmmm I will tell next to who which boy will seat and that person will lift her hand."

We nodded while I silently prayed Natsu would not seat next to me.But I might not be lucky and that is something I was dreading. You see me and girls were a bit too popular and some people might have tried to get too close with us and things escalated on some dangerous level in the past which led to Erza always making sure we were safe when we were in school, which led to that that at some point people were to afraid of her to seat to us or she made them move.And now the only empty seats in classrooms were in row next to ours.So I prayed the same way like I pray when my father acts the same way to me like this morning I prayed that I seat to anyone else but him.Oh God help me.

"So let's see Jellal you can sat next to Erza."

He seat next to her,and her part of president started kicking in she immediately started making pleasant conversation how she will be there if he and his friends need something regarding the school,she is willing to do anything to help them,but then her demon started kicking in telling him to never make trouble to the rest of the students and especially to our group and she was loud enough so the rest of the group could hear her.But in their eyes I saw no fear of her threats.And Natsu bearly audibly snickered at her threats.Erza was someone you shouldn't mess with,treats she made were real but I had a reasonable doubt this guys and especially Natsu were a lot worse than her.

"So next is Gajeel you seat next to Levy"

He did that,but he was really grumpy and a second later he said something to Levy that made her go red.But not in embarrassment but in anger.

"Then Laxus next to Mira"

He seat there and was quiet.

Natsu and othere boy Gray were left, oh please God let it be Gray.
Then he let me down once again by crushing my last hope.

"And Gray you seat next to Juvia"

He sat there while Juvia was watching him under her eyelashes and I could swear in one moment I saw hearts in them.Juvias happiness did not make me any less worried about what will happen.

"And last Natsu you will seat next to Lucy"

I lifted my trembling hand in air trying my best to not shake from fright.He smiled at with that smile that held amusement,playfulness and in mind I could see the real danger the trap this predator made for me.I am afraid this smile will haunt me in my dreams and at one point be the death of me.Great this is exactly what my life needed one more man that will make me suffer.
He sat down and waved at me and I almost belived I was wrong when I thought he is a man I should avoid by all cost. But when I heared those words, no not words but his sweet voice that is made to trick not just me but all the people in the world.I knew this man is really someone I should fear. However I couldn't showe that because if I did I would be afraid of him my whole life. He would became my nightmare,like my father.So I did what I could, I tried to avoid his suspicion.

"So you are Lucy nice to meet you,I hope we can be friends "

And I responded with smile that should have shown him that I did not know who he was behinde his mask.

"Sure I hope we can be friends as well."

But that did not fool him he looked directly at my eyes like he was able to see my fear.And I was right he said simple sentence that condemned my life.

"That is great I am sure we will have a lot fun playing games together little Luce"

He knew.

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