Crazy man

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That was the last straw,Natsu put me down and put on his shirt.With fast steps he opened the door and punched the person in front of was Grey.

G-What the fuck was that for?

N-What the fuck is up with you dumbass?Why the fuck are you back ?

G-I wouldn't be here if you were smart enough to fucking answear your phone!

N-Wtf are you bitching about,I didn't hear a shit.

L-Yeah,ofc you didn't because you couldnt wait for us to leave and pounce on Lucy.

Gray said as he eyed me up and down when he saw me approaching the door.Natsu caught Gray looking at me..

N-You better stop before I finish what I started.

Gray snickered,but his childish attitude suddenly changed.

G-We might have a problem.

Natsu probably noticed change and mood,he grumbled something and let Gray in.

G-You might want to sit for this one.

Gray said looking at me.This made me feel a shiver down my spine.Natsu sat me down on couch,and looked at Gray with agitation.

G-You guys want good or bad news first?

Without thinking I responded, embracing myself for the worst.

L-Bad news.

Natsu looked at me,then nodded to Gray.

G-Your dad reported your "disappearance" to cops,he said you were kidnapped.

I looked at him completely shocked.

L-That crazy man did what?!

N-Bitch move If you ask me.

I would start laughing at Natsu's remark,If only I could forget how serious this is.

G-He said you were kidnapped from your school,and that he suspects some of your new classmates that "bully" you are responsible for that.

L-That crazy bastard.

I was shaking from disbelif,anger and pure disgust at a fact what one person will do to try to ruin someone's life.

N-What's the good news then?

Natsu said smirking,does he think this is funny?

G-Like you already don't know it.

N-Am I mind reader?

G-At first cops were cooperating with him,but when he told the the names of "kidnapers" he was almost immediateley chased away from police station.

N-Hahahaha serves him right,he trying to pin a crime on me in my town.


G-Yeah that was dumb of him,cops chased him away with excusse that they don't accept words of mentally unstable person.They said that they have no intention of messing up some innocent children's future with no evidence.

N-Hahahaha better said messing up their future.

G-Hahahaha yeah.

L-How is this funny?This could have went bad!

G-Don't think that.

N-Yeah,ice cube is right.I don't remember when was the last tine we had "legal issues" of any kind.

*****Hi everyone,sorry for not updating.I can't promise that I will update regularly,but I will try to update at least once a week.And sorry for spelling mistakes in advance.

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