Lets go

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It was non other then Erza that looked like demon from hell when she saw Natsu,but when she looked at me relife could easily be seen on her face.She immediately hugged me which separated me from Natsu,he didnt like that it seems.While Erza was hugging me he was still holding my hand and tugging it slightly wanting me to turn around towards him...Erza saw our hands and gave Natsu  look that made me scared,but he didnt even flinch,he even returned her look.It was a staring contest and I felt extremly awkward in this tense silence.I coughed and they turned towards me,Natsu grabbed me and put me behind his back.Erza looked at disbelief at his affection towards me.

L-Erza why are you here?

E-Lucy you are asking why am I here? Better question is why are you here,in house of guy you just met today.

I couldnt say anything to that,honestly I didnt know myself,but I wanted to stay here with Natsu.

L-I....well ....it just...
I couldnt think of good enough explanation to tell her.

N-Redhead stop talking and get out of my house.
Natsu said rudly while glaring at Erza.

E-Sure,I will go and I will be taking Lucy with me.

N-Hell you are,Lucy will be staying here with me and you cant do anything about it.You better get out of here before I forget you are Lucy's friend and show you what real pain is.

Natsu was angry now but Erza showed no fear,this situation was getting even more suffocating.

E-You think I'm scared?

L-Erza why are you here?
I asked again in hope of distracting them from fighting,and luckily it worked.

E-Me and girls were worried about where did you disappear to,so we asked around but no one knew where you were. We decide to go and look for you more so we split.I finally found some useful information,one guy said he saw a pink haired guy carrying blond girl.I could only think about one person that fits that description so I checked school information and found this address.

She said while glaring at Natsu.

E-Let's go Lucy there is no need to stay here any longer.And Natsu I dont know how you made Lucy come here and whats your reason for doing that but I know that you should stay away from her.
Erza was being protective over me and I know that this whole situation is odd but I liked being with Natsu...

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