20 • third person pov.

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As Craig requested, the two snuck out of Tweek's house hand in hand with Tweek wearing both Craig's hat and the jacket he'd given him a while ago.

It was still freezing outside, but the snow had lessened. Both stayed quiet as Craig mentally prepared himself.

Tweek watched the other boy, letting him guide him to his house. He could see just how uncomfortable Craig was, but Craig couldn't just not go home without knowing how his parents felt. 

The blonde gave his hand a gentle squeeze as reassurement.

Craig squeezed back.

Tweek had been so focused on the snow collecting on Craig’s hair that he hadn’t noticed they arrived at their destination. 

“And we can’t turn back?”

“... I wanna say no, but I can’t actually force you.” 

Craig stared at the front door before taking a deep breath and pulling his key out of his back pocket.

“Nah, you’re right. Ruby would suck at taking care of Stripe anyway.”

Craig held onto Tweek’s hand as he pushed the key into the lock.

Upon opening the door, Tweek and Craig were faced with Craig’s family sitting on the couch. The three members turned around to look at the two boys standing in the doorway. 

Within a second Laura stood up and rushed towards her son, and hugged him tightly against her chest."

"Jesus, never scare me like that again, Craig."

Craig stood still, shocked. He'd been so convinced his parents would be upset about him liking a guy that he never considered the idea that they didn't care about.

His parents never talked about it, he didn’t know which side they took when it came to this topic. 

Laura pulled away from her son and looked up at him, brushing off the snow that had collected on his hair while walking. 

"You're always jumping to conclusions before we can talk, you'll end up giving me a heart attack one of these days."

"That's… That's all you're upset about?"

"I think every mother should be worried if their son ignores them and runs off. You didn't tell us where you were going, I was afraid you wouldn't come back."

"Yeah, well I wasn't,  so you can thank him."

Craig kept his eyes on his mother as he pointed towards Tweek, who waved awkwardly. 

"It's the boy from the Hospital?"

"Uh- yeah."

"It's the boy he was on a date with."

Ruby and Thomas stood from the couch and walked towards the group.

"Shut up, this is your fault to begin with." 

"So did you plan on sneaking him in everytime you wanna bang your boyfriend?"

Ruby smirked, crossing her arms. 

"He's n-not my boyfriend.."

Craig trailed off as he spoke, looking away Tweek and his family as his face redden slightly.

"Here, let's go sit at the table."

Thomas spoke up.

The family headed towards the Dining Room.

Tweek looked up at Craig and smiled slightly before gently grabbing his hand and pulling him along. 

As they sat, Tweek formally apologized for fight their son over something so stupid.  He hadn't done so before, he guessed it wouldn't make sense why their son wanted to be around him if he didn't tell them about their little bonding session that happened during both their stays. 

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now