19 • third person pov.

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"Sorry about the mess, it's hard to clean up when my parents constantly dirty everything."

Craig could hear the slight embarrassment in Tweek's voice. The house was indeed messy, mugs and empty bottles were all over the place, and -

"Please don't look too hard, let's just go to my room."

Tweek grabbed Craig's wrist and began dragging him up the stairs. Craig took note of the one framed picture on the wall taken after Tweek was born.

It looked like his parents tried to put some effort to have at least one nice picture, probably to appease a naggy family.

Once inside Tweek's room, he could tell the difference between Tweek and his parent's cleaning habits.

"It's easier to just keep my room neat and stay outside the house as long as possible"

The only real thing Craig could call 'messy' was the unmade bed, a jacket laying on a desk, and a coffee mug from that morning.

"Oh hey, that's my jacket!"

Craig smirked, looking over at Tweek, whose face had tinted pink.

"I-it's comfortable, okay!"

"Yeah I bet, I did pick it out."

Tweek walked over to the jacket and picked it up, pushing it close to Craig's chest.

"You pointed it out, so you must want it back..."

Craig held the jacket, staring down at it. It was pretty well loved, he'd gotten as a souvenir while on a family trip when Craig was fifteen. He specifically made sure it was oversized for him so he could wear it for a few years.

The raven looked back up at the other and wrapped it around Tweek, smiling.

"Nah, you can keep it. Looks better on you anyways."

Tweek smiled back, pushing his arms through the sleeves. His fingertips barely poked out but he hadn't minded.

Suddenly Tweek stood on the tips of his toes and rested his hands on Craig's shoulders, leaning in.

"Hmm... I remember you saying you wanted to kiss me until you felt better?"

"I- yeah, I did say that..."

Craig scratched the back of his neck before he was slowly being guided to Tweek's bed. He could've sworn he short-circuited momentarily because one second Craig was standing, and in another he was next to Tweek. Their shoulders were touching and legs were dangling off his bed.

Tweek waited patiently for Craig, resting one of his covered hands on top of Craig's fingers. He admitted to himself that he felt butterflies in his stomach. Tweek never really met someone like Craig. Sure on the outside he looked like he'd be a complete asshole, what with his resting bitch face, but he was... different.

 Tweek wondered if they'd be in the same position if he hadn't fought the other boy.

A minute passed before Craig could regain himself and lean in to kiss Tweek. It lasted longer than the ones at the front door. Soon his free hand was cupping Tweek's face, and it stayed there even when he pulled away slowly.

"I really like you..."

Tweek smiled softly.

"I know." 

Craig could admit to himself that he felt bliss in the moment, I mean most guys would be thrilled to kiss their crush. Even though they had kissed before, this time felt so much different. He felt his stress melt away, if facing the fear that his parents might not accept him meant he got to love a boy like Tweek, Craig was willing. 

And he got his wish, the two made out for awhile longer, nothing rushed. Just comforting. 


"So you're worried about your parents?"

Craig nodded. 

At this point both boys had gotten comfortable on Tweek's bed, Craig resting his head on Tweek's lap while the other boy ran his fingers through his hair.

"They seem nice enough.."

Craig looked up at the other, his face scrunching together slightly.

"What do you mean by that?

"Well I mean like, what family goes to see their son everyday at the hospital after getting in a fight but completely ignores him when they find out he's gay?"

"You'd be surprised."

It stayed silent for a while, before Tweek leaned down to boop Craig's nose with his own.

"If I were your parents I'd be worried if my child ran away without saying anything."

" I did not run away."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

Craig sat up and shoved his face in between the crook of Tweek's neck, pouting. 

Tweek laughed.

"You totally did! You locked yourself in your room, skipped school and went to Clyde's house. Now you're here, sounds like running away to me."

Tweek understood Craig's anxiety, his parents made him anxious everyday. He never knew when something bad was gonna pop up, but Tweek didn't want Craig to feel the same he does. 

Craig doesn't deserve that nervousness that his parents might not like him anymore. 

"...What if we do it together?"

Tweek whispered. Craig pulled away from him, enough to look at his face.


"Let's go to your house together, let's just talk."

Craig had this unreadable look on his face, which he usually did but this one was different from normal. Then he lowered his head.

"If it doesn't go well, can we run away like they do in those stupid teen romance movies?"

The biggest smile appeared on Tweek's face. He could think of ten different movies just like that, that he watched with the girls.

He giggled.

"Yeah, and we'll hop on a bus and fall in each others arms while the sun rises."

Craig pouted again, flopping back down on the bed, dragging Tweek with him.

"So you ready?"

"Wait, now?"

"Yes, now. They might've made you dinner."

Craig was reluctant, and pulling him up by the arm proved to be a little difficult.

"What's gonna get you up and running?"

Craig smiled slightly, blushing. 

"...If you wear my jacket."

He looked over to the spot on the bed his hat had occupied. 

"And my hat... and maybe hold my hand?"

Tweek smiled, he wondered if Craig would act this cute in front of his friends.


I totally forgot I had most of this written for like a month or so.. Uhh but I saw this really cute Creek video on youtube and wanted to write them being cute so here shjwbee

I just was Craig to be a littlw dork.

And I was thinking about what the story would be like if they didn't actually fight.. Cuz Tweek wonders that too. And I think Craig would still fall in love at first sight, he just wouldn't have the guts to talk to Tweek till he finds out his parents own a coffee shop and 100% downs that shit just to talk to Tweek.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now