2 • third person pov.

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That Wednesday Craig's alarm when off at 6:15 am, which he honestly just felt like throwing his phone against the wall.

He begrudging rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower to quickly clean up before dressing and heading down for breakfast.

"Yo, mom. Think you could call the school and em I'm sick?"

His mother laughed, sitting his plate down in front of him.

"stop being such a little bitch."

Ruby quickly replied to Craig's question, earning the middle finger from her older brother, she sent one back to him.

"School will be fun, you've already got a group of friends here, right Craig? Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself a little girlfriend."

Craig rolled his eyes, while Ruby laughed this time.

"Craig will find a girlfriend when I finally start giving a fuck"


"I can say bitch but not fu-"

"don't test me, Ruby."

Their mother warned. Craig honestly didn't care. He finished his food and put the dishes in the sink before picking up his backpack and heading out.

"Have a nice day, Sweetie!"


Girlfriend? Craig didn't need a girlfriend, that's just another nuisance to add to the list. And Clyde was enough.

He walked down the sidewalk to his bus stop, conveniently the bus stop Clyde and Jimmy went to as well.

They made small conversation to fill in the gap before the bus came, all silently agreeing it was too early in the morning to be extra.

"Where's Token, you'd think since you're both here, he'd be here too."

Clyde pouted.

"He's too rich to ride the bus! He already has a car!"

"And he doesn't pick you guys up?"

"Clyde w-was being pet-p-petty last night."


Craig laughed at Clyde a little.

Okay, maybe the day wouldn't be so bad if he has an idiot like Clyde around.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now