14 • third person pov.

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The two safely made their way to Token’s house. After Craig buzzed in, the gate opened, him and Tweek got off the bike so they could park it somewhere in the grass out of view from people.

It was 4:26 when they opened the door.

“Does he not lock it or something?”

Tweek looked up at Craig, he noticed how his face was still slightly tinted red from the kiss. 

“Nah, not unless his parents are home. I have a key anyways.” 

“Must be super close..”

Tweek trailed off, looking around the big house. It felt more homey than his own, pictures of Token and his family were all over the wall. There even were some of just token and his friends. 

He stopped at one in particular that caught his eye. Tweek walked closer to it and smiled. It was all the boys in what Tweek guested was Token’s bedroom, they were all younger, maybe seven or eight and it seemed the four of them were caught off guard when the picture was taken. 

Craig stopped and looked  over to see what had caught the other boy’s attention. 

“Oh fuck don’t look at that-!”

Clyde and Craig were on the ground eating a box of crayons while Token was attempting to force a green one out of Clyde’s hands that was already half eaten. Though his face was mostly blank, you could see the red embarrassment on Craig’s face at the sign of getting caught by Token’s parents. 

Both Token and Clyde looked angry as they fought, while Jimmy smiled happily at the camera as he rested on the bed above the other three. Craig covered Tweek’s eyes and guided him towards the stairs so they could reach the others. Tweek giggled at this.

“We’re fucking stupid, I know.”

“I think it’s cute. I never got moments like those.”

“Yeah well, hanging out with me will bring a lot of dumb moments like that, especically with Clyde around.”

The two walked up the stairs and knocked on Token’s bedroom door before opening it. 

Inside was Token, Jimmy, and Clyde. Two of them sat on the bed playing video games, Clyde on the other hand was on the floor. In one hand was a cup and the other could be assumed to be some type of chip, the only evidence being the crumbs falling from his hands as he looked up at the two in the doorway.

“What are you doing?” 

Craig glared suspiciously at the brunette. 

“What’s in the cup, and why the hell are you holding chips like that.”


Clyde looked up over at Token slowly, then back at Craig. He was trying to do this in secret or Token would turn on ‘mom mode’ and start bitching.

Token still heard and immediately knew what Clyde was doing and exacting what he was trying to do it with. He paused his game with Jimmy and slid off his bed.

“Are you trying to put your doritos into your soda?”

He gripped Clyde’s wrist with one hand and pried it open with the other. Out fell a handful of crumbled doritos onto Token;s hardwood floor.

“See what I mean by ‘especially with Clyde around’?” 

Craig looked at Tweek, who was in the process of laughing with Jimmy.

Clyde whined at his defeat. Token forced the cup out of his hand before Clyde tried to drink whatever soda and chip combo he had managed to make before he got caught. 

The two boys walked into the room while Clyde sulked out the room to get a broom and Token disposed of monstrosity inside the cup.

Craig and Tweek sat on the floor. Jimmy scooted over to the edge of the bed, Clyde began to sweep, Token stood in front of everyone.

“We called because we were thinking about going to an arcade.”  

Boys day out next chapter (👁️w👁️)

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now