24 • third person pov.

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Craig took a deep breath before speaking. He's been nervous the whole time, but did his best to keep it to himself.

"Okay, open them."

The taller boy watched as Tweek opened his eyes, looking up and smiling.

"The treehouse?"

He said happily.

"The treehouse."

Craig let go of Tweek's hand so he could climb up the ladder.

"Stay here, so I can make sure nothing is messed up."

Tweek watched Craig quickly climb up the ladder and disappear for a few moments. Seconds later, Craig was calling him to come up.

He couldn't hide the big smile on his face when he saw what was inside.

There were blankets and pillows he recognized from Craig's bedroom, snacks, and what the blonde assumed was the other's laptop.

"I know it's not much, but I hope it's special enough."

Once fully inside, Tweek took Craig's hand, scooting close to him.

"Don't worry, I think you did good."

Craig blushed at the softness in his voice.



Craig let out a sigh of relief and leaned back against the treehouse's wall.

"Thank god, or else Clyde would make me do something fucking crazy."

Tweek giggled.

"Now you just gotta ask me."

Craig drew a blank for a second. Tweek noticed and playfully rolled his eyes, crawling over to sit in Craig's lap.

"You still gotta ask me to be your boyfriend, dummy. Or did planning this use up all your brain power?"

He joked.

Craig groaned and pulled his hat over his eyes.

"I have to say it?"

"Not official till you do, I'm afraid."

The blonde lifted Craig's hat from his face and placed it on the ground.

"See, do it like this."

Tweek grabbed both of Craig's hands and placed them on his waist.

"And then you lean in close.."

He followed his own instructions, making sure Craig was watching him.

Their lips were close. So so close. All Craig had to do was move just a little and they'd be kissing.

But he just couldn't stop staring into the blonde's eyes.

"And say.. 'Tweek, will you be my boyfriend?' not hard, right?"

Tweek smiled, leaning back and taking in Craig's features.

The boy's green eyes were wide, and his face was almost completely red. Every few seconds his eyes would blink like his brain was slowly comprehending every Tweek had just said and done.




Craig pulled Tweek waist to bring them closer.

Oh my god, why was this so hard? Tweek had basically said 'yes' already but that irrational part of his brain said 'but what he says no?'.

Craig was in fact, down bad.

Down so bad that he couldn't even bring himself to just ask the other boy out.

He's sitting right on his lap and he still just can't say it.

Tweek brushed some hair out of Craig's face and then placed both hands on his cheeks.

"You're so close, just ask me."

Craig would've thought the other was making fun of him if it weren't for the fact that he had the most loving smile on his face.

"Will you… Will you go out with me? Please?"

Tweek nodded, muttering out a 'yes' before leaning in to kiss him.

The two had fallen asleep wrapped in blankets with a dead laptop and half eaten snacks around them.

Both would definitely put it in their top three best days in their lives, even if it was spent snuggled up in an old treehouse watching whatever Netflix movies Craig downloaded beforehand.

So, it wasn't technically a picnic underneath a sunset, but it was close enough for Craig to thank Clyde the next time he saw him.

Bruh I just realized I share a birthday with Dream.. apparently lol

And don't worry this isn't the last chapter

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now