25 • third person pov.

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Clyde wailed as he threw himself into the lunch table in front of him.

"I had so many plans! So many ideas! I even bugged Tweek with questions, just for you to ask him out in that rinky dink treehouse?!"

Craig rolled his eyes as he dug into his food. Of course Clyde would complain.

He was happy for about two seconds when he heard the 'thank you' Craig gave him and the fact Craig finally asked Tweek out, but then it all settled in.

And here they are now, with Clyde causing a scene.

"There was going to be a cake! And like ten pinatas!"

"You are NOT turning me asking someone out into a reason to party."

"No no no no no, not just 'someone', it's Tweek dude, every time you see him you act like he's the best thing since sliced bread."

"Because he is."

Clyde let out a huff.

"If he's the best thing since sliced bread then you'd wanna have a party for your coupling."

The brunette crossed his arms in disapproval.

"I know if me and Bebe were together I'd totally throw a week long party at Token's house."

"Why my house?"

Token was quickly drowned out by Clyde continuing his nonsense.

"Like you didn't even consider how I felt!"

"Can you shut up, dude? Your feelings have nothing to do with my relationship."

Clyde was about to continue his complaining when he suddenly stopped.

"Oh my god here he comes!"

The brunette squealed, giggling like a little girl.


Craig turned around to see Tweek walking towards them.

He would've waited for Tweek before going to lunch, but the blonde said he had something important to do.

He looked a little nervous, and he probably would've been biting on his nails to calm himself down, but his hands were preoccupied with trying to cover something.

"Hey, Craig."

Just hearing the blonde's voice made him blush.

"Hey, Tweek."

"I, uh.. wanted to give you something. In priv-"

"Oh, no no you can do it here!"

Clyde barged into their conversation, staring intently with a goofy grin on his face. Craig glared at him before looking back at Tweek.

"We can go somewhere private if you want."

The blonde smiled shyly.

"I guess I can give it to you here, it's just.. it's embarrassing but Heidi and Nichole insisted."

"I'll love it no matter how embarrassing it is."

Tweek smiled a little more confidently, forgetting that Token, Jimmy, and Clyde were watching them.

Tweek took Craig's hand and slipped something on his wrist.

"I was gonna buy one but Heidi said it was more special this way.. Nichole came up with the idea."

Craig stared down at the green bracelet on his wrist.

"I-I just used whatever was in the art room, it's not that good I can make a different one... but it's green because it reminded me of your eyes."

Craig smiled and looked up at the blonde. Tweek was looking away from him.

He hadn't seen Tweek this nervous before, he found the shyness a little cute.

"I love it, do you have a matching one?"

Tweek let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relieved Craig liked it.

"Yeah of course I do."

Tweek sat down next to Craig and lifted his sleeve a little to show him his blue one. They were identical, say for the color. Each one had a small plastic heart charm in the center.

"Oh, you don't know how excited I got when I found these stupid little hearts."

Craig smiled and silently listen to Tweek go on about the bracelets, ignoring whatever stupid sounds Clyde was making in the background.


The rest of the day was great. Craig and Tweek were walking back from school. Tweek had work today, but promised to come over to Craig's house afterwards.

Tweek stopped them right outside the Coffee Shop, where everything started.


Craig looked down at the blonde. Tweek squeezed the hand he was holding.

"I love you."

Craig blushed.

"I love you too, Honey.."

Tweeks smiled and pulled Craig down for a kiss.

"I'll see you in a few hours."

Craig waved goodbye as Tweek walked into the store.

This wasn't the first time he's thought this, but damn was he happy Tweek beat his ass.

okay you guys, I finally finished it after not touching this story since August. I've happy to have completed one of my fanfics.

there's some stuff I didn't go over like if Tweek's parents found out.. so maybe I'll write something for that but idk. I wanted this story to be cute, and I think Craig being worried about coming out and Tweek talking about his parents was enough for what this story was supposed to be.

I hope I did good with writing everyone's character 👍👍

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now