6 • third person pov.

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Tweek knocked on the door to Wendy’s house, he waited patiently until someone came to answer.

Heidi was the one to answer, at first cracking it open to see who it was, then basically swinging it open once she realized it was Tweek.


She smiled brightly and hugged the boy.

“Come on, everyone else is downstairs. I’m so happy you made it. When you texted in the group chat that your parents were being dicks I got worried that you couldn’t come.”

She paused.

“Wait. who’s jacket is that?”


“No it’s not. It doesn’t smell like you, and you barely wear blue.”

“How the hell do you know what I smell like?”

She didn’t answer his question, only grabbing onto his arm as she pulled him downstairs. Tweek has difficulty keeping up with the new pace.

“GUYS, Tweek’s wearing someone else’s jacket!”

“Shut up. No I’m not!”

Everyone, excited by the news, circled around and sat, pulling the boy down with him.

Bebe spoke first.

“Oh my god, who is it?”

Then Wendy.

“Are they a boy or girl?”

And then Red.

“Please tell me they’re hot. We can’t let you start dating someone ugly”

“Wait, who said anything about dating? He just gave me his fucking jacket.”

Everyone gasped.


“Shit. okay, I’ll talk”

All the girls silenced themselves, waiting for the answer.

“It’s that guy I fought Wednesday. Craig Tucker.”

Queue the screaming.

“Holy shit! Shut up! It’s not a big deal. His parents invited my family over for dinner and he helped me get ready to leave, it was cold so he gave me his jacket.”

“Wait, why did you need help getting ready?”

Red spoke.

Tweek’s face reddened.

“I-I just”

“Awww Tweek’s got a crush!”

Everyone said in unison. 

“It’s not a god damn crush, he’s just pretty looking.”

“ ‘pretty looking’ ?”

Wendy said sarcastically.

“Okay, he’s fucking cute… and I just like talking to him.”

Tweek hide part of his face in Craig’s jacket, taking comfort in the smell.

After the girls were done screaming  and gushing about the situation, they all finally started talking with some sense.

“You two should total date.”

Tweek stared oddly at Heidi.

“Did you miss the part where I LITERALLY stepped on his face. He lost a fucking tooth. I BROKE HIS ARM!”

“Okay, but a lot of relationships start out rocky, he gave you his jacket. That’s gotta mean something.”

Heidi reasoned.

 Tweek wasn’t buying it, so Wendy stepped in.

 “Was there anything else he did that could mean he liked you?”

“I, well, while we were in the hospital, he came over and laid in my bed with me… I also wrote some stupid shit on his cast, and he promised he wouldn’t try to cover it or anything.”

More “aww”’s could be heard through out the room.

“Tweek, you’re a fucking idiot if you think Craig isn’t trying to get all close and personal, trust me. I know.”

The blonde boy glared at Red.

“And how would you know?”

“Because he’s my dumbass cousin, he doesn’t do weird shit like that. Plus, who the hell crawls in bed with someone after they JUST beat the shit outta you?”



“Craig’s your cousin? I fought your cousin?? I’m sorry-”

“I don’t give two shits, and yeah. I’m sadly related to the moron.”

Bebe grinned.

“This is great!”


Tweek turned to the other blonde.

“Because now Red can help you find out what he likes!”

“But what if he’s straight? And just being nice? PLUS I still never said I like like him! He’s just cute!”

Red laughed, the others also giggling.

“If Craig’s straight then I’m god. When we were younger, he stole my Ken dolls. No way that big gay isn’t gay.”

“It’s settled then! We’re getting you a date!”

Heidi exclaimed with excitement.

Tweek rolled his eyes and smiled lightly.

“Yeah, whatever.”

The rest of the night was their usual, make up, truth or dare, and every other pointless thing they did that kept them busy.

That night, Tweek slept with Craig’s jacket still around his body.

The girls might have taken a few pictures, some of which Red sent to her raven haired cousin.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now