18 • third person pov.

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Craig ultimately decided he wasn’t going to go back home that night. 

He just didn't know where he wanted to stay. Asking Clyde would be the easiest choice, his dad was nice and always enjoyed his stay.

But laying on Clyde’s bed and ignoring the problem didn’t feel right.


He wasn’t ready to look his parents in eye. 

And Craig didn’t think he was ready to eat more junk food. 


Craig: Are you with your friends

Tweek: No I’m at home . Dad’s out and mom doesn’t like to be home alone .

Craig: Can I come over

Tweek: yeah , yeah of course !

That was all he needed. 

Craig didn’t wait for dinner with the Donovan’s, he could already feel his worry wash away the more he stared at that message. A small sliver of salvation for his poor heart. 

The walk to Tweek’s was calming. The night was colder than the rest of the day, the snow was heavier. 

It collected against his hat and shoulders. He couldn’t see his face but he knew his nose had to be red by now. 

Tweek: Just knock , my mom is passed out in the kitchen . 

And once he got there, he did. Maybe just a bit too eager did Craig knock, but he didn’t care right now. He so badly had something he wanted to do. 

Tweek’s mom hadn't always been this way. At least that’s what his dad complained about whenever he was intoxicated. He said that at one point, she was normal like everyone else until High School. 

Said how she changed after she found herself saddled with a baby at seventeen and becoming forced to stick with her trash boyfriend because of both family’s pressure. 

Tweek eyed his mother from the couch, who was currently coked out her mind, laying on the dirty kitchen floor.

Even though he’d been told this his whole life, Tweek found himself  not giving a shit about how… difficult her life was.

It was just to guilt him.

Maybe she should’ve gotten rid of him beforehand, maybe if she felt so terrible about herself she should’ve tried to not make her child feel the same way.

Tweek looked back at the nonsense on the TV. 

That’s when he got Craig’s text.  

Tweek perked up at this, yesterday was one of the funniest days of his life. He really enjoyed spending time with Craig and his friends.

Of course he'd always have fun with the girls and the goth kids but this was different, it was like that part of being a boy he didn't really have the chance to do until now.

So when Craig texted to come over the obvious choice was to say yes. 

It would be risky if his mom were to wake up, but he hadn't gotten to talk to Craig all day. 

A part of him wondered if Craig hadn't come to school because of the internet.

Tweek worried about that too. He'd bitten off his fingernails before he got the chance to eat dinner with his parents, he appreciated his friend's support but he really wished they asked before posting those pictures…

South Park wasn't too big, so the teens living there would cling onto anything new and interesting. 

And Tweek guessed having pictures of him with the guy fought having fun was just that.

Tweek was pulled out of his thought when he heard an eager knock at the front door. 

Getting up quietly, with his paranoia of waking up his mom, Tweek opened the door to face a cold looking Craig.

Tweek smiled at how red his face looked, for the first time it probably wasn't from blushing his face off.



Tweek tilted his head to the side, Craig seemed a bit nervous about something.

"What's wrong?"

Craig looked over Tweek's shoulder to see his mom laying on the floor. Tweek looked back with him.

"Told you she's knocked out. Now what's wrong?"

"Can I kiss you?"

He blurted out.

Now it was Tweek's turn to have his face turn completely red. 

Tweek stared into Craig's green eyes for a moment. He bit his lip. 


Craig smiled widely at this and reached for Tweek's hands.

Even through the gloves Tweek could tell they were cold.

Craig leaned in quickly to peck Tweek's lips. 

He only pulled back for a second before giving him another. And then another.

Tweek giggled at this.

"How many do you plan on giving me?"

"Hopefully until I feel better?"

Craig questioned cautiously.

Tweek's face rested into a soft smile.

"Then let's go to my room, you're freezing." 


Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now