23 • third person pov.

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To say the least, Tweek was sulking.

It's been three days and Craig has talked to him once since their sleep over.

Tweek thought everything was good, but everytime he tried talking to the other boy, Craig would turn bright red and quickly run away.

And Clyde's been really weird too. The brunette was practically glued to Tweek's side, asking and types of weird questions.

Did this have to do with what Tweek said? About Craig having to make everything special? He didn't mean it too seriously… only a little..

Red assured the blonde that Craig's just weird, the girls agreed even though they barely know Craig.

So here Tweek was. Laying on his bed, mindless playing on his old DS from elementary with about 10 coffee cups littered on his floor.

Every text he got, Tweek jumped in a hopeful excitement that it'd been Craig.

All that led to was more disappointment, so eventually he stopped looking at his phone all together.

By eight o'clock, Tweek got bored of whatever games he could play and decided maybe a nap was better.

But the coffee in his system disagreed, and so did his hungry stomach.

Tweek was slowly working up the motivation to actually get up to eat instead of waiting for his stomach to give up telling him he needed food, when he heard a rock hit his window.

He quickly sat up, startled.

At first he thought someone was trying to break in.

But then he thought of Craig, and that was enough to get the blonde off his bed and walk to his window to open it.

A small rock hit the top of his forehead.

It didn't hurt too bad, but his chain reaction was to let out an 'ow'.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!"

Craig whisper-yelled.

Tweek looked down and out his window to see Craig staring up at him with an apologetic look.

Craig's face was illuminated by the kitch light that poured out of the window beneath Tweek's bedroom.

His mom must be down there making something.

"Here to apologize? Apology not accepted."

"Please- just- Tweek we both know being around you makes me an embarrassed mess, and I didn't want to blurt out your surprise.."

Tweek perked up at this.

Usually, surprises left him anxious, but the blonde knew Craig had no bad intentions.

"Fine, but I still want an apology."

"I'll give one if you come outside?"

Tweek gently smiled and nodded.

"Okay, give me a few minutes."

Once his window was closed, all of Tweek's composure disappeared.

He jumped a little and clapped his hands together before he tried to regain himself.

Okay. Okay. He looks like a mess, but he can make it work!

Tweek quickly changed out of the sweatpants he was wearing and traded them for jeans.

He hadn't taken off the button up he wore while helping around the Coffee Shop since he'd gotten home, so the blonde pulled that off and grabbed a sweater from his closet.

Tweek hastily ran his fingers through his hair as a makeshift brush and was out the door.


The blonde turned back around to grab the jacket Craig gave him.

He was wearing it earlier, but took it off when it got too hot in his room.

Nights in South Park were always cold.

Once he shut his door, Tweek walked down the stairs slowly, to make sure the coast was clear.

Tweek's mom was asleep again. This time she was in the middle of folding clothes. His dad on the other hand was watching TV. He paid Tweek no mind as the boy quietly opened the front door and left.

He didn't have much room to walk though, the second that door closed, he ran face first into Craig's chest.

The other boy wrapped his arms around the blonde.

"I'm sorry I've been an asshole for the past few days."

Tweek followed Craig's actions and hugged back.

"This'll make us even."

He muffled out.

"Even for what?"

Tweek lifted his head from that other's chest and snickered.

"This'll make us even since I totally won that fight."

Craig laughed a bit before pulling away and grabbing Tweek's hand.

"Let's just get on my bike, you little shit."

"Ohhh is that gonna be another pet name?"

Tweek could feel the cold breeze press against his face as he and Craig rode on the other boy's bike.

He kept his eyes closed for the most part, as to keep his hair out of eyes as it blew in the wild.

So he had no idea where Craig was taking him, for the most part.

After a few minutes, Tweek could tell they'd ridded on grass for a bit before they came to a stop. He thought they were probably at Stark's Pond.

And he was half right, instead Craig stopped at the edge of the forest that surrounded said pond.

"Are you taking me here to murder me?"

He joked.

"I'll kill you with my love."

He playfully responded.

Craig pulled out his kickstand with his foot once Tweek got off of the bike, then gently took the blonde's hand.

"Follow me."

Tweek smiled as Craig turned on his phone light and began walking to their destination.

"Oh, and close your eyes, trust me."

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now