17 • third person pov.

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Clyde had given Craig a key to the house once he moved back to South park, he said he gave one to Token and Jimmy too. So getting inside was easy.

Craig left his bike on the front porch and walked in, not too worried since not only did Clyde’s dad like him, but he also wasn’t home right now.

Right away Craig could smell the scent of Taco Bell in the air. He never really cared for it himself, but it was always the food Clyde requested when they hung out before Craig had moved back home.

Craig pulled off his shoes and walked upstairs to Clyde’s bedroom, which was never locked.

The photo had only been an hour old and the brunette had already managed to eat half of the tacos bought.

Clyde turned towards the open door, and smiled widely when he saw Craig;s face. The boy jumped off his bed to attach himself to his best friend. Craig patted his head.

“You saw my post!” 

“Yeah, well Instagram does message you when you’re tagged in a post.”

“You could’ve ignored it, but I knew you’d come!”

Craig braced himself for something cheesy like “The power of friendship’, but it never came.

“I was gonna go to school until I saw all the posts and stuff, so I bailed and said I was sick.”

Craig looked Clyde in the eyes, who still had a smile plastered on his face. Sometimes he question if his friend was really as dumb as he acted. Maybe Clyde just had his moments.

“So I went out and bought thirty tacos for us, I tried not to eat too many before you came but we know I can’t control myself around tacos.”

Craig cluckled at that, walking over to the bed and grabbing a taco from one of the bags.

Clyde liked to get all kinds of tacos, so it was kinda a little surprise. 

Unraveling the wrapped revealed one of Clyde’s favorites. The Nacho Cheese Dorito Taco, full of meat and cheese with just a bit of tomatoes and lettuce thrown in here and there. It was clear what topping the boy liked more.

“I honestly don’t understand how you enjoy this crap.”

Craig bit into the taco, sitting down on the bed.

“Uh, maybe because it was the best idea to ever be created.”

The other boy rolled his eyes playfully, chowing down on his meal. Craig wasn’t too hungry but he wasn’t full enough to stop. 

The boys sat on the bed together, going through each taco while a show played in the background. The two particularly liked to rewatch the 1999 HunterxHunter every once in a while. 

They watched it together while growing up, they stumbled upon it in Craig’s living room while their parents chatted together in the kitchen.

“Have you looked at any of the posts yet?”


“They’re not all bad.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Craig turned away from the TV to look at Clyde again.

“I mean like, you probably think it’s all negative but it’s not. I’ve seen some comments from dudes with peanuts for brains-”

“Like you-”

Clyde smiled.

“That were kinda rude but a lot of the girl chewed them out in the replies.”

 “But are you really worried about what the people of South Park think… or is it like something else?”

They never had many serious conversations like this, you’d think it wasn’t in the brunette’s blood to have one. But Clyde always seemed to surprise him with new things.

Admitting his feelings for Tweek was easy, but doing the same for how he feels about the situation with his family was harder.

Yeah they always ate together, and went out during vacation time but other than that there was nothing.

And vacation time wasn’t too common. 

Craig didn’t have a good stand on how his parents feel about… people like him.

Craig shrugged. 

“Why don’t we take a convenience store break to give you time to think?”

“Dude you just ate like twenty tacos.”

“Drinks and candy are different!”

“Yeah yeah,”

Craig stood up.

“Let;s get going.”

The quick store trip turned into Clyde getting caught with a bookbag full of food while Craig had a small bag with a paid soda and gummy bears inside. 

Of course Clyde ran for it with the food, and Craig followed right behind. The two hopped on their bikes and booked it.

After a long ride to Stark’s Pond, the boys sat down on a bench and rested.

While eating, the question popped up again.

“So, think of an answer?”

Craig stared out at the pond.


Craig had a bad habit of digging his nails into the pads of his finger when he got upset for any reason. 

“I just don’t know how my parents are gonna react. They seemed just as freaked out as I did when fuckign Ruby blerted it out for everyone to hear.”

Clyde hugged Craig. He was always a touchy one.

“Your parents are really cool dude, I bet it was just surprising.”

Clyde pulled away.

“If they were really assholes I think they’d already have a problem with Token and Jimmy.”

Craig looked at Clyde like he did earlier.

“You think, huh?”

“Yeeeep! And if they really are dicks I’ll run away with you!”

“I never said anything about running away, dumbass.”

“You’re probably gonna do it though! If it doesn’t go nicely I mean..”

The teen closed his eyes and slumped against the bench.

“Let’s just spend time together a little longer, m’ not ready yet”

Clyde nodded, scooting closer to share the contents of his bag.

Craig reached in, thinking he should probably check Tweek’s messages. 

Sleepy time now. Enjoy Clyde being a good friend. I can't promise the next update.

I really just write them when the nice comments boost my confidence enough lmao

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now