7 • third person pov.

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Craig tiredly blinked his eyes, rolling over only to stare into deep brown eyes.

Wait, what the fuck.

He opened his eyes and realized there were three pairs of brown eyes staring at him.

“What the hell are you all doing in my room. Watching me sleep.”

Token seemed to cringe a little, while Jimmy and Clyde smiled at their sleepy friend.

“Your mom let us in!”

“So you came to watch me sleep?”

“Pfft, it was only for like, fifteen minutes.”

 Craig sat up.

“Way to be a fucking stalker.”

Clyde abruptly grabbed his broken arm.

“Ow, asshole!”

“Dude, someone already wrote on your cast? No fair! I wanted to be the first one!”

Clyde whined as Craig yanked his arm back, hiding it embarrassingly.

“Wait, what did it say?”

 Craig looked at Token, who was eyeing his arm that was currently covering the broken one.


Clyde squealed in excitement.

“Is this like some trashy rom com where you meet a sarcastic girl in the hospital bed next to you?? And she calls you an idiot or something and signs your cast and then start dating two days later!?”

“Fuck no. who do you think I am?”

“Wa-wuh-was it your s-sister then?”


“Then who?”

 Clyde cocked his head curiously.

“No one, I got bored and wrote on it myself…”

Token pulled his arm away.

“You must really want Tweek to dick you down then, huh?”

Both Clyde and Jimmy started to laugh.

“No! God dammit… I let Tweek write on my cast.”

“So you two are friends now?”

“I guess? I don’t know,  we both forgave each other, and we like, talked.”

Craig’s face redden just thinking about it.

“OHHHHHHHHHH are you blushing??”


Clyde was quick to hug his raven haired friend.

“Aww, our lovely asshole Craigy has blossomed into our gay asshole Craigy! Now we have every type of person in our little group!”

Craig used his hand to shove Clyde’s face away from him”

“Shut the fuck you shithead!”

“It’s rude to talk to your best friend that way, Craig!”

Clyde pouted.

“Then Token is my best friend.”

Craig spoke smuggly. Clyde only pouted and whined more 
Craig grabbed his hat from his nightstand and put it on, then slid out of bed.

“So what you creeps have planned for today?”

He walked over to Stripe and opened her cage so he could pull out her food bowl to refill it. Then he gently pulled out the water bottle attached to her cage. 

As he renewed the water and refilled the bowl, Clyde spoke.

“Honestly dude, we just thought we’d fuck around and do whatever.”

Craig rolled his eyes but smiled, putting his pets food and water back where they belonged.

“Okay, then get out so I can get dressed. Or do ya wanna watch me do that too?”

The group laughed before heading out to go wait downstairs. 

Craig kinda hoped to see Tweek while they were out, so he dressed nice.. Ish.

In reality it was his usual outfit.

 He brushed both his hair and teeth, then put on his shoes before going over to Stripe's cage again to pet her goodbye.

With that,  he walked out of his room and downstairs. 

The only thing really on his mind is how he probably should’ve asked for Tweek’s number. He’ll just look him up on social media. 

Might fuck around and die tonight

I should probably work on my other story since it's more popular >__>

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now