12 • third person pov.

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So far everything has been going great. The boys' orders had come fairly quickly, and there hadn't been any awkward silence between them.

Tweek relished in the meal he ordered, usually used to eating school lunches or whatever his mom cooked for dinner. 

Craig did most of the talking, which he obviously wasn't used to. But he figured he had some better childhood experiences to talk about rather than Tweek. Thankful Tweek hadn't minded at all, he liked listening to the girls talk, so listening to Craig wasn't any different.

Tweek felt extremely calm. Craig's voice was so soothing, if he weren't eating he'd probably fall asleep again. It was a change in pace from Bebe and the others laughing and going on about things happening with celebrities. And it was especially different from his parents discussing how he's going to continue to run the family business and making him thank god for them giving him the life he has.

Because of course they thought them being his parents meant they controlled his life.

Honestly, he'd rather have Craig's life. Craig's life sounded fun, like he got to do what he wanted as long as he kept his grades up. 

Which, currently Craig was talking about how Clyde convinced everyone, including Stan's gang to sneak into a grocery store in North Park for a whole night. 

"Sorry, am I boring you? I know my voice is kinda monotone."

Tweek had not revealed he stopped eating his burger. He fazed out for a moment.

"What? No, you're not boring me. I just, uh, I got focused on what you were saying."

The blonde felt a bit embarrassed. He bit one of his fries.

"I actually like your voice, it's calming."

Craig smiled at that, his face flushing a bit.

"Oh okay."

He spoke contently, and continued on.

They were back on Craig's bike. Though they still had plenty of time to get back to school, the two decided against it.

Craig's house wasn't an option, his mom worked from home, and though she had been out when Craig went to go get his bike, she could be back by now.

Tweek's mom always went back and forth from the Coffee Shop and their house, so that was a no-go.

So, they went to the forest close to the lake. All the boys had built a treehouse a few years ago and it was still holding up, sometimes they'd go there to smoke or drink. 

"You didn't help the guys build this thing?"

Craig asked Tweek as he rested his bike against a tree. The boys had built the thing right before Spring break so they'd have a place to go for the two weeks they had off.

"Nope. Like I said, none of them really interact with me since I hang out with the girls."

They climbed up the ladder, Tweek went first.

"I don't mind though, it's not like I'm close with anyone in that group but Butters. Maybe Kenny but that's iffy. He comes to the shop on weekends so he and his sister can get free muffins."

Craig tried to look anywhere but Tweek's ass in front of him

"Don't those taste like shit too."

Tweek push open the little door to enter, he looked down at Craig.

"I bake them. I bake all the food items in there so they're actually good."

"I guess I'll have to try them then."

They both smiled as Craig entered and shut the door.

"I guess you will." 

Hey guys. Quarantine fucked up my sleep schedule, and my bf went to bed so I decided to write another chapter.

I'll probably be making a new cover and everything since my art style has changed. Also I might make refs for what Tweek and Craig look like.

I'm not really into South Park anymore, but I still enjoy this story and Creek, so updates will still probably be slow lol.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now