13 • third person pov.

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For those who want it, there will be a bonus part to this chapter I'll post soon.

Craig didn't know what to do next. 

He had made it this far, they were alone of course. But he had little to no idea how Tweek actually felt about him.

Sure, he let him lay in the same hospital bed as him.

And he felt comfortable enough to change in the same room as him.

...And he just spent the day with him alone.

But still, there was a chance he only wanted to be friends.

Right now, of course.

Craig made up his mind the day Tweek wrote on his cast that he'd do anything for him to be his boyfriend.

Craig looked over at Tweek, who currently had his head poking out the makeshift window. 

He began to reach out, but quickly pulled his hand back.

"Uhm, Tweek?"

Tweek pulled his head in to look at Craig, whose face was starting to turn a light shade of pink.

Tweek watched enough chick flicks with the girls to know where this might go. 

Red said Craig was gay, and Craig was always staring at him or blushing. So Tweek knew Craig had some type of feelings for him. 


He didn't want to embarrass Craig or anything, so he acted cool.

Craig stuttered over his words. He's never really felt this type of affection for someone before. He wanted to get to know Tweek, they had already been having such a good time and he didn't wanna come off as creepy or overbearing.

Tweek smiled at this, he couldn't help but think how cute Craig was when flustered. It was obvious Craig wasn't used to this.

Not that Tweek had much experience himself.

Tweek crawled away from the poorly made window and over to Craig.

He laughed softly as Craig's face started to turn red.

God Craig felt like such a fucking loser. 

"What I'm trying to s-say is-"

Tweek leaned in, resting hands on each side of Craig's face.

He pressed his lips against Craig's.

Craig gasped in surprise, but quickly relaxed. He wrapped his arms around Tweek's waist and pulled him closer.

Tweek's arms slowly moved down to Craig's shoulders as he pulled away.

Craig's face was still bright red, while Tweek's had been slightly pink. 

"I really like you, Tweek."

Craig stared wide-eyed at Tweek. 

"You're just so cool. Willing to beat someone up over your shitty Coffee Shop."

The boy realized what he said and backtracked a bit.

"I-I mean like, your eyes are so pretty, you're so fun to be around."

He felt like he was all over the place. For real, how the hell did he end up liking the guy who broke his arm?

Craig kept listing all the things he liked about Tweek, stumbling over words here and there. 

Tweek giggled at this, he watched Craig's face the whole time. Looking into his eyes, he knew Craig meant it.

He gently pressed a finger against Craig's mouth, who quickly shut his mouth, thinking he'd annoyed the blonde.

Tweek smiled.

"We can talk more later."

Craig's eyes widened.

"I think I like you too, Craig." 

Both boys leaned in close to kiss once again.

Tweek and Craig ended up riding to Token's house after school ended and getting a phone call from Clyde. Complaining how he hadn't seen one of his best friends all day.

At first, Tweek suggested Craig just drop him off somewhere.

But Craig knew if he was going to ask Tweek out in the future, Tweek would have to get comfortable with his friends. Who tended to not really understand the meaning of personal space. 

It took a bit of light convincing, but eventually Tweek agreed to join Craig. The ride was quiet like before, both enjoying the nature around them.

Though Token lived in South Park, his house was closer to the rich people's neighbor so it took a bit longer to get there. 

Tweek looked down at Craig, who was focused on not crashing them. He felt a bit brave, so he raised one hand off of the others' shoulder and placed it on his head.

"Hey Craig?"

His voice was low.

"You actually like me right?"

Craig glanced up at Tweek quickly before looking back at the road.

"Yeah, of course. Ask Clyde, I don't say stuff like that."

Tweek wished he could rest his head on top of Craig's.

"I believe you."

The rest of the ride went back to it's comfortable quietness. Tweek smiled to himself.

So, maybe the girl's were right. 

He had a bit of a crush on Craig Tucker. 

If y'all think Craig is some cool dude who's had 20 hook ups then y'all are wrong 👁️👁️ he's a little baby who's never kissed anyone before and only had one crush before Tweek in 3rd grade.

So he may be a bit embarrassed at first but we just gotta give him time 😔

Bonus will be posted after I wake up. So around 5 pm - 7 pm

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now