15 • third person pov.

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And to the arcade they went. All the boys piled into Token's car, Token and Jimmy taking the front seats while the other three took the back.

Tweek took it upon himself to sit in the middle, though he was the same height as Clyde, he was skinnier than both Craig and Clyde.

The arcade was close to the school, a lot of kids tended to go there during and after school hours, so it was already slightly packed. Middle school and High school students mostly filled the large area, with Elementary students sprinkled here and there.

All the boys bought game cards, adding money on it. Most of the time Token would be the one to add more money onto everyone's card, so they weren't too worried about running out of points to play with.

The group of five spread out quickly, though there were some games they'd play together, the boys all liked to play different games.

Craig saw this as another opportunity to make this into a date. He had already counted lunch to be one after what happened in the Tree House, so Craig decided to shoot his shot.

"Hey um, wanna like..."

Tweek looked up at him, waiting for the other boy to finish his question. Craig's face turned bright red, looking anywhere but Tweek.

"H-hold hands... or something, I don't know"

Tweek smiled brightly at this. Craig was such a dork, so cute.

The blonde grabbed Craig's hand firmly.

"You don't have to be nervous, of course we can."

Tweek thought he'd be nervous too, but it looked like Craig was hogging all of it. Maybe he would've if he didn't feel so relaxed around Craig. Craig was his friend, of course he felt comfortable around him...

Craig calmed. Fuck he looked so uncool. He always felt like a bit of a loser around Tweek, he was like this last time he liked somebody, guess things never change.

The date around the arcade was fun. At one point all the boys grouped together to play a shooting game. It was a four player, but Jimmy was happy to sit out and just encourage his friends while they all yelled at each other to stop missing so many enemies.

They played that four player for a while, trying to finish as many missions as possible. Once going through a round of reloading their cards with money, the five decided to take a break and eat.

They stayed at that arcade for quite some time, up until they had to go home for dinner. Token dropped all of the boys off, Jimmy's house came first, he said his good nights to his friends and walked into his house.

The second person to be dropped off was Tweek, Craig had to step outside the car to let tweek pass. He doesn't know what he would do if Tweek had to crawl over him to get out...

Craig closed the door, there was something he wanted to do.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah, of course. Freaked me out when you left to go get your bike though."

They both laughed, with Craig apologizing.

Craig took a deep breath and quickly kissed Tweek on the lips.

"I'm really happy we're friends, Tweek."

Tweek smiled, he rested his hands on Craig's arms before kissing him on the cheek,

"Me too."

before letting go and saying his goodbyes, walking up to his porch and opening the front door.

Craig stood for a bit to hold his cheek before getting back into the car, taking the front seat.

Token and Clyde smiled at him.

"Don't tell me you saw that."

"Heard all of it too, you forgot you had your window down."

Craig banged his head into the headrest.

"God fucking dammit."

Clyde squealed and shook Craig's seat.

"Please tell me y'all are dating. PLEASE!"

"He literally beat my ass not too long ago."

"Which you liked."

Token added.

"Shut the fuck up we're not dating!"

"Not yet at least"

Both boys said in unison.

"Please just take me home."

"As you wish, Prince Charming.

"Does this mean I can add 'blonde' to the list of diversity in our group?"

"Shut it, Clyde."

"Taking that as a yes."


Token dropped Craig off at his house, he walked in just as everyone was sitting down to eat.

"Didn't know if you'd be staying out all night on a school night again, but I set your plate too."

"He stays out because he's a fucking emo."

Ruby off handley spoke while chewing on a piece of chicken, Craig smacked the back of her head.

"Not a fucking 'emo' "

"No cursing at the dinner table."

The family of four ate, speaking about their days.

"So what did you do today Craig? I got a call that you weren't at school, again."

Craig sighed.

"I know your grades are good, but your attendance can really affect you passing, honey."

"He was out with a boy."

Ruby looked up from her plate, a smug smile plastered on her face as Craig's face turned bright red for the hundredth time today.

"Was not!"

"Dude, it's all over Heidi Turner's Facebook and Instagram!"

Craig pulled out his phone to verify what his sister was saying, and sure enough there it was.

Not only was she talking about Tweek skipped school to hang out with him, but apparently Heidi, Bebe, and Wendy were at the arcade and saw their unprompted date.

"Craig, what's this about a boy?"

Both of his parents asked.

He didn't care much about the school knowing, but now his sister just outed him to his parents.

Fuck fuck fuck.


He wasn't ready. Craig wasn't even close to being ready.

He felt so dumb, he couldn't even hear his parents questions as he stood up from his chair and left the room, leaving his half eaten meal to cool.

Craig locked his door and kept ignoring the sounds of his parents.

Craig never felt so terrible in his life, this 100% beat the time his first crush had to move away. This beat how he felt knowing the school watched him basically get his ass kicked on his first day of school.

And this definitely beat every time he felt like a complete fool around Tweek, this just took the cake.

Soon his parents stopped knocking on his door and calling on their son's name, giving him space.

He wasn't even tired, but Craig forced himself to sleep.

Wishing he stayed out instead. 

Hello I'm back.

The story can't always be fluff.. right? 

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now