5 • third person pov.

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By the time their suspension was over, which they spent in the hospital, it had already been the weekend. Craig took to staying at home in his bed. Clyde and Token were supposed to come over tomorrow, so he wanted to relax before Clyde made things hectic.

Craig was currently trying to stick his tongue through the little gap in his mouth where one of his teeth used to be when his mom knocked then slowly opened the door.

"You okay, hon?"


Laura walked into her son's room and sat down on the little space next to him.

His hat wasn't on his head, so she softly ran her fingers through his hair as she spoke.

"I know the move started out a little rough, but everything's gonna be okay."

"I know."

She smiled.

"You dad insisted we invite the Tweaks over for dinner, as an apology."

Craig sat up.

"What? Apologize for what? For my face hitting their son's fist?"

She huffed out a laugh.

"And what was the reason he punched you?"

"Not my fault their coffee taste like piss."

Laura laughed at her son's comment.

"That still won't change you father's mind. The Tweaks will be over at six."

He huffed and snuggled under his blankets.


"Be ready. You have to look nice."

"I know."

After his mother left his room, Craig reached out and set an alarm for five o'clock, then wrapped the blanket around him as close as possible and closed his eyes.

Once Craig woke up, he chose to take a shower.

As soon as he was ready, he heard his mom calling him from downstairs. He put his phone into the pocket of his jacket, and opted out of bringing his hat.

Everyone else was already sitting at the table, including the Tweaks. Craig's stare lingered on Tweek for a little longer than it should've.

"Um. Hey."

"Don't just stand there you fucking moron."

Craig glared down at his younger sister, while his mom whispered angrily at her daughter about her language.

Craig decided to sit in between his sister and Tweek.

The small talk between their parents bored the three teens, they sat there until Craig's father spoke up.

"Craig, don't you have something to say?"

He looked up from his plate and gave his attention to his dad.


"Don't you have something to say?"

His father said a little sternly.

Craig sighed, then turned to face Tweek.

"M' sorry I talked shit about your shop."

He spoke boredly, he had already said this AND his apology was already accepted by the other.

"And what do you say to Mr. and Mrs. Tweak?"

"Even if I think your coffee is bad, I should've kept it to myself and I'm sorry for causing your son trouble."

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now