8 • third person pov.

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After his long day of fucking around, Craig dropped on top of his messy bed and pulled his phone out his pocket.

He ate with the guys, so he decided to skip dinner with the family, he had more important things to do.

Like finding every social media platform Tweek used.

But, not in a creepy way.

First he tried instagram. And thankfully Tweek Tweak isn't a common name, so it was easy to find.

He didn't want to instantly follow, because he'd seem like a stalker... probably.

But he did look through all of his post.

And god fuck, he wanted to like every single one of them.

Craig could tell Tweek hanging with a group of girls even rubbed off on how aesthetic and neat his page was.

Every picture was perfect, whether it was a group picture, a selfie, or a picture of some object.

Most of those objects being coffee.

( Craig could tell the coffee didn't belong to his family's shop. Either a different store, or homemade by himself. )

One of his most recent was a picture of him in the hospital, and even then he found a way to be pretty.

After staring at his instagram, he followed. And then followed him everywhere else.

He'd admit, it did seem creepy. But whatever.

Craig really really liked this boy.

So he was going to do his best to make those feelings reciprocated.

First he just needed to know if he was gay or not.

And he knew just who to ask.


To : red bitch

Craig : ive got a question

red bitch : wth do you want?

red bitch : I'm trying to get ready for bed

Craig : is tweek into guys, or??

red bitch : so let me get this straight,

red bitch : not that you know what that is

red bitch : I send you pictures of him sleeping in your jacket, and you think that's not super gay

Craig : stfu he could've just been cold

red bitch : he literally had a blanket

Craig :🖕🏻

red bitch : 🖕🏻

red bitch : go get some blonde dick


Craig plugged his phone into his charger.

At least now his asshole cousin has confirmed that his crush is possibly datable.

Now he's just gotta make that happen.

He took his shower and went to bed pretty happy that night.

And tomorrow he'd get to see his beautiful blonde.


That morning was the same routine like it had been the first day he'd gone to school in South Park.

Just this time, his mom decided to take him to school.

Not wanting her to lose anymore teeth or gain another broken arm.

And Craig is proud to say that he did not walk in and basically get stomped on by somebody he unknowingly badmouthed.

So it was a good start.

He walked to his locker at put away whatever he needed.

He was a little early, so most people were still hanging outside of the school or not there yet.

After closing his locker and turning around, he faced familiar blue eyes.

He tried his best to act normal, though he couldn't help but blush a little, Tweek was so close.

"Oh, hey"

Tweek smiled.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"I could ask the same, but I usually come early to hang with the goth kids."

"so you hang out with the girly girls, and the edgy goths?"

Tweek laughed a little.

"I keep my friend groups separate. Can't be 100% of everything. "

He shrugged a little.

"It's also how I was able to know when you got here the day I beat you up. I was here early and on the lookout."

Craig kept a mental image of the smile the blonde gave him.

"So why're you here early?"

"Mom was afraid I'd get my ass kicked on the bus."

Tweek, as casually as possible, wrapped his arm around Craig's.

"So, need help around the school?"

Craig probably could've found his own way, but he wasn't about to let this opportunity slide.

"Uh, yeah. That'd be nice actually."

He smiled slightly as they started to walk.

Craig was super thankful Tweek beat his ass last week.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now