10 • third person pov.

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Tweek snored softly, contently sleeping on the cold, hard ground.

But that wasn't right, his eyes squeezed, he rolled over but to no avail, it still didn't feel right.

Last thing he remembers his telling Craig he's gonna close his eyes for a few seconds, but still, Craig was still wrapped around him with Tweek's head on his shoulder.

Craig wasn't cold and hard, he felt soft and made Tweek feel warm in a different way then one you feel when laying in a hot room. Or being wrapped in a blanket.

Tweek opened his eyes quickly and sat up. He was still on the roof, but no Craig.

What time was it? Where did Craig go?

How many class periods have gone on?


He looked around, digging his fingertips into the hard concrete below him. 

What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.

Did Craig seriously ditch him on top of the school roof while it was snowing?!


But, he thought they were getting along, was he still secretly mad about their fight? 

Tweek stood up, eyes watery. 


He heard his phone vibrate on the ground.

It was text from someone on Instagram. He opened it.


It was Craig, where the fuck was he? 

He opened the message.

' look down, then come down'

"the hell?" 

Tweek slipped his phone into his pocket and walked to the edge of the roof and looked down.

It wasn't too high to the point where he couldn't see, but the figure looked blurred. What he did clearly see was a dark blue hat and i bright yellow puffball on top on it.

He got another text.

' hurry, it's lunch time.'

Tweek sighed in relief, it looked like Craig had something with him, he probably went to go get it. 

He rushed down, pushing through the crowd of students that were all heading to the cafeteria, heading to the back door where students could eat outside. 

Most people didn't bother eating out in the cold, so there was a lack of teachers out watching for runaway students trying to hope the fence.

And that's exactly what Tweek did.

When he finally got to the spot Craig was at, he shoved him slightly.

"Jerk, I thought you left me in the cold." 

Craig laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I.. I went to go get my bike."

He looked back at the bike he had standing on it's bike stand, and shrugged.

" I don't have my own car yet so I thought we'd go in this."

" Go where? "

"Out to eat, duh."

Craig looked back at him and smiled, Tweek smiled softly back, looking at Craig, then the bike.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds nice."

Craig hopped onto the bike and pulled the stand back. 

"Get on, your majesty." 

Tweek giggled, sticking his tongue out.

"Whatever you say, my knight." 

Sorry for no picture again, I wrote while at my friend's swim practice, so I'll try to add those soon.

Also I've slowly getting more inspired to write,, I'll be on a place next week so I'll have plenty of time to write. So there'll probably be an update then.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now