Chapter 13 bonus.

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If two teens poorly making out isn't your thing, please skip. You're not really missing much but some dialogue.

"We can talk more later."

Craig's eyes widened.

"I think I like you too, Craig." 

Both boys leaned in close to kiss once again.

What Tweek had just said made Craig excited, but not in the sexual way.

This meant he really did have a chance with the blonde.

He didn't want to go far. They weren't even dating, and Tweek only said he thinks not does.

Craig wanted a closer relationship with the other before either considered doing something as intimate as... He didn't even wanna think about it before he made any mistakes.

Tweek scooted closer to Craig, pulling away slightly to seat himself in the other boy's lap.

Though he knew he was gay, Tweek never tried exploring farther than just small crushes and shutting his laptop when his mom knocked on the door. He had basically no idea what he was doing.

He just knew he liked Craig enough to kiss him, and that's all he needed.

The two kissed again, slowly. Tweek moved one of his hands slowly underneath Craig's hat to grip his hair gently while the other rested on his shoulder.

Craig kept his hands loosely on Tweek's waist, just in case Tweek decided he wanted to pull away last minute.

Their chest were close and Tweek could hear Craig's heart pounding. He wondered what he was thinking, because he knew his was too.

He was a tad nervous that Craig really just thought he was a quick fuck with a pretty face, but he reasoned otherwise. Craig basically just described his whole being as "things he likes about him", the boy had no ill intent.

Craig leaned in further. He moaned slightly which earned him a gasp.

Tweek's cheeks turned red, Craig sounded so... cute? hot? He couldn't describe it.

Their teeth clashed as their tongues slide together. It was a bit obvious neither had done this before.

The grips on each other became a bit longer the more they got lost into each other, and they were just about to lean down far enough so Craig was on top of him until.

A phone rang.

Specifically Craig's phone. And it was Clyde of course.

For a moment, Tweek honestly thought more was going to happen. He felt slightly embarrassed their session ended so abruptly.

"You can just drop me off at my house, go hang out with your friends."

He smiled.

Craig took his hand gently.

"I'd like if you came though? Is that cool too?"

His smile grew, Tweek nodded.

"Yeah, of course."

Okayyyy this um. Took a lot longer than it should've but I got animal crossing and binged some animes so sorry lol. I was gonna sleep but my email sent me one of the comments from this story asking for an update so I couldn't sleep.

Hope to have more soon. Maybe this week?? Maybe the next?? My birthday is the 12th so we'll see how busy I get...

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now