9 • third person pov.

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Since he was shorter than him, Tweek took the chance to lightly rest his head on Craig’s shoulder as they walked down one of the school’s many hallways as he explain where everything was and what each class’s teacher was like.

Craig didn’t see the point, being there was a hat covering his face. But then they stopped.

“Watch your step, we’re about to go up some stairs.”

He followed the blonde’s steps as best he could, slowly figuring where to put his feet.

Craig heard a heavy sounding door be pushed opened by Tweek, who’s let go of his arm to do so. Then his left hand was gently grabbed, being pulled to where Tweek wanted him to be.

“ You can fix your hat now. “ 

And he did so, gaining a pretty view above. It was still slightly dark outside, and the snow fell softly from the sky.

“ This is my favorite place to come.”

Tweek paused.

“ Because the teachers never think to look up here.”

Craig lightly laughed at the other boy, then sat down when Tweek did.

Tweek had his legs pressed against his chested, his arms wrapped around them.

“ You cold? “

Tweek side glanced at him and smile slyly.

“ Maybe a little. “

Craig hesitated for a moment, not wanting to take Tweek’s response the wrong way and make him uncomfortable. But he took his chances anyways and slowly scooted closer to the boy, putting his arms around Tweek and resting his head on his shoulder.

“ So. Is that the only reason you like it up here?”

Tweek tilted his head. 

“ It’s quiet. No one else is ever up here, it let’s you think.”

“ About what? “

“ Anything.”

He turned his head to Craig.

“ To think about your life. Like your problems.” 

Craig blinked at the other boy.

“ Like how you’re secretly gay, and you’re afraid to tell your parents because they already think you’re sick in the head. “

Tweek looked out, relaxing and leaning back against the other boy.

“And they’re the ones that need help, but you can’t tell anybody. Because where would go if they get taken away? There’s nowhere else to go until you’re older. “

Tweek laughed pitifully and looked back at Craig.

“ Sorry, I just started babbling. “

“ No no, it’s okay. I’m a good listener. It’s good to talk about things like this. I’m sorry I can’t relate though, I don’t think I’ve any severely bad things happen to me. Other than getting my face basically stepped on by a pretty blonde. “

Tweek smiled.

“ And to be honest, that was kind of a blessing. “

The blonde laughed loudly.

“ Well, you’re welcome then. “

The two faintly heard the first bell ring, muffled by the door.

“ Wanna head back? “

“ Nah. “

“ was hoping you’d say that. “

They ignored the bells ringing, and continued to talk about whatever came to mind, still wrapped closely together. 

A bit of a shorter chapter, also no art for this one until later, I'm tired and hungry.

Sorry for taking a while, I just got this little boost to write for this story.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now